Seth felt the fae power of the tent, but he’d rip the damn thing to shreds with his bare hands if he needed to. He started to reach for the net, but she stopped him. We’ll never be able to do this, Seth. The power my mother built into this tent is too great.

Seth knew she spoke accurately because he felt it as well. The tent could kill them both.

Yet he recalled what had happened when he’d made contact with Lorelei, even while in wolf form, back at Loperz Canyon.

We have power together.

She shook her head sadly. Not enough. Not for this. You should leave, Seth. Save yourself.

Like hell I’m doing that. In fact, I can’t.

Why the hell not?

Because I love you, and I’m not leaving here without you.

* * * * * * * * *

Lorelei drew as close to the netted doorway as she dared and stared into his eyes, unable to believe what he’d just said to her. You love me? How? When?

I think from the first moment you appeared outside my back door. Remember?

She nodded and tears flooded her eyes. Of course I remember. You scowled at me.

I was feeling way too much even back then. I just didn’t trust you or any woman. I haven’t for a long time.

She reached for him, almost touching the net, but pulled back just in time. I know. Seth, what are we going to do? Her gaze shifted past him. The entire camp was alive with movement, heading toward the east end. What’s going on?

He explained about Jude and Rosamunde’s help.

Lorelei felt wild with panic. I just wish I had a solution for us, but I don’t know what to do.

Seth searched her eyes. I think I might. His next words rushed at her. Lorelei, will you bond with me? Right now, I mean.

She gasped, stunned that he would suggest the very thing he’d refused to do not even an hour ago. Is this what you want? I mean, of course I will, I want to belong to you more than anything, but are you sure? Is this right for you?

He moved as close to the tent as he could get so that they were only inches away from each other. I’ve never wanted anything more in my entire life.

Lorelei felt as though a door opened deep within her soul and a wind swept through making everything new. Love flowed and lit up her mating vibration. She didn’t try to hold back.

Seth drew in a sudden sharp breath as her vibration reached him. You’re beautiful in every possible way, including your frequency. I love you, Lorelei.

She wanted the moment to last, but the tougher question had to be answered. Seth, I’m trapped in here. How do I get out?

I have an idea. I’ve been told the bond is an act of the will so maybe we don’t even need to touch. If we can engage, like we did at Loperz, I think it might be powerful enough to bust you out of here. Are you willing to try?


Seth smiled. I’ve felt your frequency, now I’m going to send you mine, so be prepared, because I’m not holding anything back.

Her turn to smile. Do it. I’m ready.

He opened up his mating frequency full-bore, so that it hit her in the chest and took her breath away. Her eyelids fluttered and the pleasure she felt went beyond anything she’d known. Her love for him came alive once more, bursting around her like fireworks as her own mating frequency ignited yet again and flew over his, swirling and savoring.

I love you, came from his mind once more.

And I love you, more than I can say. She wanted this so much and she could feel that something in him had changed, that he had no more reservations about completing the blood rose bond with her.

But she felt another presence as well. From behind his shoulder, she saw that Margetta had transformed into her wraith form and was flying from the south directly toward them. She must have sensed Seth’s presence.