
Forget about her. Focus instead on me, Lorelei. Bond with me. We have to do this now.

Lorelei shifted her gaze to Seth. His hair had come loose from the clasp and now flew in a wild way around his head. Waves of power flowed and she opened her arms to receive all that Seth was.

Power flared and exploded between them, similar but greater than at the Loperz place. The netting disintegrated.

Seth stepped through, caught her up in his arms and suddenly she was in flight heading upward. She couldn’t think or act, but held her arms wide, absorbing Seth’s combined battle and mating frequencies.

And suddenly the bond was just there, tight and sure, fixed forever between them and still he flew her up, heading into the snowy sky above.

Seth’s voice entered her mind. Look down. You have to see this.

Some of her ability to think returned to her. She slid her arms around his neck and shifted position so that she could see down to the earth below.

Her hearing resumed so that she heard Margetta’s shrieks before she saw the woman herself.

The ancient fae, in her wraith form, flew in a circle above the smoking ruins of the prison tent.

She and Seth had done the impossible by escaping Margetta, but they’d done it together.

She’ll want revenge and if she can, she’ll take it out on the four gorges. That’s what I felt in the original vision, the one in your house with the alphas present, that she was furious. We need to get back there.

Seth nodded, but she felt something in him, things he wanted to say.

She kissed him. Later. Tell me later. Right now, we have your realm to protect.

The expression of tenderness that entered his eyes, nearly undid her, tearing into her heart and making mush of what was already given to him. Thank you, Lorelei. Thank you.

He turned them in a southeasterly direction and sped in the direction of Big Timber.

She understood him. She’d honored his greatest love, his people and his realm, and he valued that more than words could express.

And she was back in his arms.

But she felt her mother’s fury and knew that Margetta would hold nothing back from the forthcoming battle.

Would the Shifter Brigade be enough to turn back Margetta’s Invictus army? Would the alphas work well enough together to be a cohesive unit?

Chapter Ten

Seth flew faster than he ever had before. That was the first thing he noticed since having bonded with Lorelei.

And he felt whole, as though his previous solitary life had reflected only a portion of his realm potential.

And he had Lorelei in his arms, the biggest surprise of his long-lived life.

But as he veered south, he felt a powerful, dangerous wind at his back.

Lorelei’s voice entered his pathway. Do you feel that?


Mother’s mad.

I’m sure she is.

Where are we headed?