His smile grew crooked. “I think with what we’ve been through, you should stick to calling me Seth. Anything else just feels wrong.”

“I suppose it does.” She searched his eyes. “So, we’re prime female and regis?”

“I guess we are.”

Lorelei straightened her shoulders and drew in a deep breath. She became aware on a basic level that she’d never truly accepted who she was in her world, especially since she was a product of genetic manipulation. She’d always felt like a freak and her current role as prime female had spoken to her deepest fears of being found out and treated exactly like what she believed herself to be.

Yet even Batya and Quinlan had shown her great kindness and the deepest respect by helping her get to Ferrenden Peace, to a place where she could learn the skills to stay hidden forever from her mother.

Seth released her hand but held his arm out to her. “How about we get back to my house and see if we can’t figure out the next step.”

“Good idea.” She wrapped an arm around his neck at the same time that he slipped his around her waist and drew her close.

He didn’t take off right away, however. Instead, he stared into her eyes, then he kissed her, his moist, sensual lips plying hers until some of the tension left her and she parted for him.

He slid his tongue inside her mouth, thrusting in and out and making all sorts of promises. She shivered as he drew back.


Shaking her head, she smiled. “Hungry for things I should probably ignore right now.”

“I beg to disagree.”

She caught his meaning and kissed him back. “I’m just worried.”

“You worry a lot.”

“I do, but probably no less than you.”

He nodded. “And that’s one more thing we share in common.”

“One more thing?”

“We both worry, we’ve both lived solitary lives, and we each know that to some degree the future of the Nine Realms rests on our shoulders, on doing what we’ve been required to do, or in your case, not getting trapped by Margetta again.”

“When you put it like that, now I really am worried.”

“Let me get you home. We both need a good meal.”

“Oh, you’re right. Neither of us have had first meal, have we? And I sh

ould probably tell you that my heart is feeling pretty laden about now, blood rose that I am.”

His turn to shiver as a hint of fang appeared.

And with that, he took them both into the night air, heading south to his home at Shauck Gorge.

Chapter Six

Seth felt knocked out of stride, but not necessarily in a bad way. He had never factored someone like Lorelei into the equation of his life. Now she was here, a warmth pressed to his side that had been cold for so long.

She seemed to have bumped up more than one aspect of his life at the same time since she’d altered, maybe forever, his chronic blood-starvation. He had a sexual need and a drive toward her he couldn’t explain, and if that wasn’t enough, her role as prime female had created a new type of unity among his realm’s four, extremely volatile shifter packs.

In short, he held a miracle in his arms.

So, he wasn’t exactly sure how to adjust to her.

He reached his home swiftly, landing on the sweeping front porch which overlooked the gorge.