You got it.

Opening her eyes, she moved in a slow circle, and met the gaze of each alpha male head-on: Ephyx, Cohoet, Valgus, Alophi. Four massive shifters, physically powerful, each almost as tall as Seth but not nearly so lean.

They were magnificent leaders, each different from the other. Fur sprouted on her wrists in layers to her fingers tips as well as a deepening of the ruff that encircled her throat.

The chaotic energy of the packs resonated within her and her body wanted to go wolf and wanted it now.

But without shifting, she opened up her pack frequency, that same vibration of energy that she’d experienced before at Seth’s home and more recently at the hot spring. All four pack vibrations pulsed heavily now, battering her.

Her first instinct was to shut it all down because the vibrations overwhelmed her. But she squeezed Seth’s hand hard and his voice entered her head. You’re doing fine. I can feel the vibrations as well because I’m connected to you. Just let them flow. I’ve got you.

He couldn’t have spoken wiser words right now. For most of her life, she’d had only herself to rely on and now Seth stood with her in what was proving a very painful process.

The vibrations became a growing fire in her body, burning her up from within. She also knew that if she didn’t do something soon, she would die from the onslaught, but what was she supposed to do?

Once more, Seth pierced her mind. I can feel that you’re close to what you need to do next. Just focus. You’re almost there and I’m with you.

She settled her breathing and closed her eyes, then the words began forming in her head and left her throat in a strong, vibrant voice, something she’d never done before, as she called out, “The community of shifters in Walvashorr is one, and I am with you, to serve you, for as long as the Goddess wills me to do so.” The fire began to flow out of her now and along each frequency. But what she was saying felt more fae than shifter, another sign that she wasn’t normal. “Let the territories and boundaries be restored.” The last few words came out as a fierce command and she could feel the four pack territories realigning.

But there was more that needed to be said.

“You are one in battle from this time forth, though four separate units, and you will continue to serve the Mastyr of Walvashorr. One day you will hear his commands within you and see his visions to aid you in battle. Come now and submit yourselves to him.”

The power streamed steadily and she could sense that each alpha had begun calming down, his troops with him. The experience was very realm and mysterious, something she knew the shifter community valued, as all realm-folk did. Not everything could be understood rationally.

She opened her eyes, the fur at her wrists moving in soft waves as the frequency faded.

The alphas came forward and each knelt in front of Seth, confirming once more their loyalty and service, pack hierarchy at work. The crisis was over. Somehow, she’d effectively returned the territorial boundaries back to their original demarcation points.

Lorelei still held onto Seth’s hand, knowing that the connection to him had played a part in altering the volatility of the situation. She held the frequencies open and as each mastyr rose, she knew his signature as surely as the moon rose and fell.

She glanced up at Seth. What do we do now?

I’ve got this.

He spoke aloud, his resonant voice echoing through the conference grounds. “This marks a new night in realm history that will set a precedent for all the Nine Realms, that our packs can come together and function as one. Yours is the first, the Shifter Brigade of Walvashorr, and will be known as the ancestor of this new beginning for all time.”

Almost as one, a cheer rose up from the four packs. The alphas acknowledged each other with stiff dips of chins, then each blurred through the transformation from man to wolf. The packs followed suit then ran into the forest in different directions heading back to their territories, to guard the Shauck Mountain realm families from the Invictus depredations.

Within less than a minute, Lorelei stood alone with Seth, in the middle of Big Timber, the snow trampled with hundreds of foot and paw prints, a cold wind blowing.

“This feels so strange, so much colder without the troops.”

He squeezed her hand. “One moment surrounded and now alone.”

She turned toward him. “I couldn’t have done that without you. There was a moment when the chaotic nature of the frequencies caused unbearable burning.”

“I know, I felt it. What did you do? How did you overcome what was happening?”

“With your support more than anything.”

He nodded. “You amaze me, Lorelei.”

She felt flustered. “Well, these are just abilities I have, they’re not something I’ve created.”

“I know, but you handle it all with tremendous grace.”

She stared up at him and felt her throat grow very tight. “Thank you for that, Mastyr Seth.”