No. She couldn’t do that. She was violating our bargain.

For the first time since I entered the chapel, I really took in the room. Mother had outdone herself. The night sky illusion was beautifully done. The moon was full and the Milky Way bright in the sky. It hung low, so low that it looked like I could reach up and grab one of the stars to take home with me.

White orchids dusted in glitter covered the pews. So many pews. All filled with Lunar Court fey. A few other, too. But the entire Lunar Court was in attendance.

Nice of them to show up to watch my nightmare of a wedding.

I called in my flaming swords. The dress would get in the way a little, but I’d fought in a bigger gown. I wasn’t about to let that slow me. “I’ve spent years being your lackey, but I’m done. I’m done running and hiding from court, done taking whatever odd spying job, done doing your dirty work. I. Am. Done. Funny that you came to my room a few days ago to discuss our bargain. You reminded me the reason I agreed to it was my freedom, which you’ve taken back. You also reminded me that in everything you did, you would put my best interest first.”

I looked at Van. “I guess you could say that marrying Van was in my best interest, but only if you didn’t know me. Only if you didn’t know how Van and I feel about each other.” I turned back to her. “Only if you wanted to torture me, break me, and use me as your weapon when you finally lost control of your court.”

There were a few gasps in the room, some muttering, but no one was coming to her defense. Or mine for that matter. They were waiting to see what happened before they chose sides. It was how the fey worked.

“Our bargain is finished. Broken,” I said. “I’m done with you.”

The walls throbbed with light and the night sky above flickered as my mother stepped toward me. “You’ll do what I say.” Her voice was cold and venomous, and I couldn’t help but wonder why I’d never heard that particular thread of evil in her before.

Had I ignored it or was she that good of an actress?

“No. Not anymore. We’re done.”

The room darkened just a bit and the full moon turned a rich blood-red. “Then you’ll die.”

Van gave me a slow nod. Mother had put herself and her guards between us. Van was going to try and get to me, but it was tricky to come in and out of space and time while a fight was going on. Usually his magic helped him not land on a person, but in the chaos of a fight, in a room as crowded as this one, it was too dangerous. For him and us.

So we’d fight until we could regroup together.

I looked my mother in the eyes. “Try me.”

I felt Chris step back, heard the rustle of his clothes just before he shifted, and when the first fey jumped over the pews, we were ready.

I couldn’t think for the first five minutes of fighting. I was moving fast. Injuring when I could, killing those that wouldn’t give up. I didn’t love it, but I would defend myself. Too many had tried to kill me before.

We needed to leave, but everyone was keeping Van away from me. They knew that the second he got close to me, we were gone. With every fey he struck down, two more stepped between us.

But what I wasn’t expecting was Wilken fighting beside Van, along with Gurhan and a few of my other guards. I hadn’t even realized they’d be here somewhere with the rest of the Lunar fey.

Blood splattered, but it didn’t land on me now. I was too much my father’s daughter. Bringer of Death.

I started to hear whispers as the fey stopped their attack, and started to retreat.

It was only then that I caught a shadow over my shoulder. Wings—faint and see-through—had sprouted from my back. They were like ghosts of Eli’s wings, but pure white. Each feather glowed with radiant light like the full moon.

And then there was light. More. Everywhere. Blinding.

All sounds stopped.

All movement stopped.

Everyone paused to stare at the light.

The light softened, and a man stood in front of me. His wings were the most pure, iridescent white, and he was holding a flaming spear. The flames gave him away, and I was pretty sure I knew who this was. I had his lips. His eyes. His hair color. He’d finally come to help me.

The truth was, I didn’t want to fight with my mother. All I wanted was freedom to live my life. If I never had to come back to court, that would be fine with me.

My father gave me a nod, as if my thoughts confirmed something for him, before turning to my mother. “You will let her go. Leave her be. She’s done too much for you over the years, and now she’s mine. Your claim to her is revoked.”

The glowing walls and the night sky started to flicker and sputter as my mother stared at me and my father. “Sam…”