I turned to Van. “Do you see him, too? Or have I lost my mind?”

Van had tears in his eyes. “Yes, Coco. He’s there. He’s real.”

“Cosette!” My mother yelled again, but I ignored her. For once in my life, I was going to ignore her.

When she yelled my name again, Van moved to block her from me. He spoke to her in a hushed whisper, but I didn’t care about anything other than looking at Chris. At his blue eyes.

“Babe.” He ran a finger down my cheek, chasing the path of my tears. “I’m okay. I’m here now. Everything is going to be okay.”

“I don’t understand.” I grabbed the stupid cloth, wiping away more tears. He was here now. Why were they still falling? “I saw you die.” I swiped at the tears again. “Your body burned.”

“No. Your father took it. And then he cut my lunar tie.”

I gasped, slapping a hand over my mouth. “Oh, my God. He did? He really did?” I looked at him. Really looked. “Your hair is short. And your beard is gone.”

“What?” He ran a hand over his head. “I guess your dad thought I needed cleaning up a bit.”

“Cosette.” The way my mother drew out my name, I knew she wasn’t happy. It was laced with moonlit venom, and I wondered if this was how she always had been. If this was the Queen that everyone talked about, but I never saw. If I was just now seeing all the manipulations.

I’d been stupid to believe and trust her. I knew what she was and what people said. But I thought I knew a different side of her. And I wondered if she kept us all from lying so that she could be free to lie all she wanted.

I could hear Van trying to block her path to me but I was going to have to deal with her in a second.

“Don’t you want to introduce me to your pet wolf?” My mother’s voice was full of anger like I’d never heard before. I should’ve been scared or running or defending Chris… But I wasn’t. Chris was here. Alive. Breathing. Nothing else mattered.

Nothing except one thing.

I leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “The tie? It’s really gone, right?”

“Gone.” His lips brushed my ear as he whispered back.

“You’re sure?”


“Your wolf?”

“I thought he was gone, but when I came back, he was here. He’s fine.”

Good. That was so good. “Tell me the rest later.” I knew the most important information, and now I had to do the next part.

I stood and my vision grayed a little at the sudden movement, but I was fey. It would take more than an eight-day fast to kill me. “Mother. This is Christopher Matthews. My mate.”

“Please, Cosette. Enough with this nonsense.” She turned to Chris. “Leave now.”

I could feel the warmth of Chris’ body standing behind me, and I waited for him to leave because I couldn’t really believe that his lunar tie was gone, but—

“No.” Chris’ voice sounded mildly amused, and I knew if I turned my head, I’d see a small smile on his face.

My mother’s eyes widened. “On your knees, wolf!” The power and magic in her sharp command had me staggering back, bumping into Chris.

Chris’ arm slid around my waist, holding me steady. “No. I will never kneel before you.”

Mother frowned as she stared at him. “What are you?”

“I’m a werewolf, and your daughter is my mate. I might not be the strongest werewolf in the world, but I’m the only one who has severed his lunar tie. So, no. I won’t be obeying you or anyone in this court. If you want me to kneel, try making me.”

“If it’s a fight you want, we’ve got plenty here for you, dog.” Mother was threatening my mate?