Claws click-clacked on the stone behind me.

I searched for a way out, but the chamber was a dead end. There were no other tunnels except for the one I’d just come through. The same one that Bhrunyz was walking down. Fifty feet. That was all that stood between me and death.

Bhrunyz stepped into the chamber and roared. It wasn’t a magical sound, but one of triumph. The roar echoed so loud, I had to cover my ears.

The game was over. He was done playing with me.

I only had one option left. I had to fight. I was hurting, exhausted, and bleeding, but I wouldn’t go down without giving every bit of energy I had left.

I spun to face Bhrunyz. Black slime drooled from his jowls, singeing the stones it touched. The claws that extended half the length of his body sliced deep gouges in the dirt. He opened his mouth, baring all his crisscrossing needle-like teeth.

He screamed and this time magic locked my muscles.

Bhrunyz took two steps closer.

The magic was suddenly gone, and I stumbled back a single step.

Then he screamed again, and I was frozen.

He moved inches at a time, and I could see my death coming closer with each step. I moved every time I unfroze, but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t going to be near enough to get me away from this thing. There wasn’t any way I could even try to fight him. There wasn’t any way to run. I was out of options.

So, I closed my eyes and tried to block out the beast’s cries.

I thought of Donovan. I tried to reach him to say goodbye, but I couldn’t get the smallest grasp on our bond. This place must be blocking it. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I’m sorry. I tried. I really did. Please find a way to be happy. Find another mate, but make sure she loves you for you. Someone who will be your equal. I’ll love you forever. You’ll always be in my heart, and if there’s a way for me to, I’ll be watching out for you.

He couldn’t hear me, but I hoped that he knew.

I thought of my friends. Tessa and Dastien. Adrian and Chris. Even Shannon. I prayed that they all had long and happy lives. That they got to have families and little werebabies. All the things I didn’t get to have. I hoped they took advantage of everything life had to offer. Because life was short and fleeting. Every moment should count.

And I thought of Cosette. I wished I’d taken her advice and stayed away from Ireland. If only—

Something burned my wrist. Now?

It couldn’t have activated when he first took me?

My darkest moment. I hadn’t reached it until I gave up.

My eyes flew open. The beast was just three feet away. I was still frozen, but all I needed was a second to grab the coin.

I waited until I unfroze and reached. Almost there. I just needed to unfreeze, and my fingers would brush the metal. He was so close. Almost close enough to touch.

He gnashed his teeth, and my heart raced.

Another scream and my hand touched metal. I could feel his hot breath on my face.

I didn’t know if I needed to say anything, but I wasn’t taking any chances. “Stronghold.” I pictured Donovan’s rooms and hoped to God this coin thing worked.

It felt like something punched me in the stomach. I fell to the ground.

I closed my eyes and screamed. I thought Bhrunyz had stabbed me. I felt my stomach but there wasn’t any blood. No real pain. No second hit.

The floor was hard and cold and smelled like Donovan, not like death.

I took a gasping breath before the first sob hit.

I rolled onto my stomach, shaking with the force of my crying. I blinked away tears to find myself in his bedroom.

Thank God. Thank you, God.