The relief was too much. I’d been so scared. So certain I was going to die, and I almost had. In my panic, I’d forgotten all about the fucking stupid, amazing, glorious coin.

I sat back on my feet, but couldn’t stop crying. My hands shook as I wiped my face and tried to take stock, but I was covered in dirt and sweat and blood and I didn’t want to know what else.

I didn’t care. Nothing mattered. I was alive. Everything else could be fixed. Cleaned. Whatever. I was alive. And I was planning to stay that way.

There was no way Bhrunyz wasn’t pissed. I’d gotten away again, and I knew he was going to come after me. This time, he wasn’t hurt and he knew where to find me. I’d said “stronghold” aloud.

I didn’t know how much time I had.

As the cold chill of that realization set in, a crash echoed through the sitting room.

I froze not from magic, but the fear flooding my body.

It was too soon. I needed Donovan. And I had to find Saoirse and get that stupid fucking brooch.

It couldn’t be Bhrunyz. Not yet.

I got up on all fours and pain rolled through my body, but I had to move.

It was too late.

I was dead.

This was the worst day ever. I waited for pain, but nothing came. “Meredith?” Donovan said softly.

I crumpled to the ground, sobbing.

Our bond snapped in back into place. Stronger than it’d ever been.

So fast.

Too much.






All of his emotions and thoughts hit me one after the other until I couldn’t breathe

. My head felt like it was going to explode.

I screamed as I passed out.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Donovan’s scent surrounded me, and I relaxed into it. He brushed a kiss on my forehead, and I had a second to enjoy the feeling before reality crashed into me.

I sat up so quickly the room spun.

He put a hand on my shoulder to steady me. “Please, Meredith. You’re hurt. Badly. I can’t tell what’s what. We have to wash you off.” He took a few breaths. “What the fuck happened to you?”

“What do you mean? Where the hell were you! Bhrunyz took me into his lair. Why didn’t you get the brooch?”