Page 92 of Thicker Than Water

To my beta readers, Autumn, Cézanne, Chelé, Layla, Lisa, Margie, Nana, Rachael, Sara, and Sophie,— you guys are the reason this story is any good at all. Thank you all SO much for putting up with my indecision and self-doubt. I love you guys and am lucky to call you my friends.

Patricia and Lylian, thank you for reading it early and giving me the confidence to show it to the rest of the world.

To my editor Anja, thank you for believing in me and pushing me to do better.

To Marla, my amazing proofreader, thank you for making this pretty enough for the world to read.

To Mary Ruth for the incredible cover you created . . . your talent is awe inspiring and your spirit is just as beautiful. I’m grateful to know you.

To the great team at Foreword PR- Linda and Alissa your support and encouragement means the world.

To Crystal thanks for stepping in and saving me.

To Jeananna and Kylie at Give Me Books, you guys are the best, I love working with you. Thank you!

To my amazing author friends and mentors who read this story, encouraged me to write it and helped along this journey – you’re my comrades in arms, thank you.

To Mila – Thank you for everything. I owe you more than I’ll ever be able to pay, but know that for as long as you’ll have me, I’m yours.

To Chelé – What would this journey be without you? I don’t want to even imagine. I love you!

To my Layla – Your honesty, you constancy and your friendship are a cornerstone of my life. Love you.

To my friend Claudia – you’re wonderful. Thank you for just being you and for helping along every single part of this journey.

Mara, you’re a goddess. That is all.

To my friend Nana, everybody needs a friend like you. You’re wonderful and love having you has part of my Ghana Massive.

To Becca, you’re definition of kindness and grace. Love you, girl.

To my dearest Kennedy—no words could ever express how much I appreciate your presence in my life. And I know for sure that this books wouldn’t be what it is without your input and guidance. Thank you for putting up with me. I’ve learned so much from you and you carried me across the finish line on this project. Thank you for everything. I love you.

To my author friends who support me in so many ways every day, I can’t

To my parents for being brave enough to leave their home country and seek out the American Dream for the sake of their children, I hope we’ve made you proud.

To my husband and children — you are my reason. I love you so much.

To all the amazing bloggers who have shouted about my book, thank you, I couldn’t do this without you.

To my Darlings you ladies are my own personal army. Thank you for your support and willingness to roll up your sleeves for me. I can’t say thank you enough.

To my Day Dreamers — You’re my favorite corner of the internet. You guys make my day, every single day!

And to every single reader who has given my work a chance, thank you for making my dreams come true.

All my love, Dylan



Dylan Allen

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The week of their visit goes by like a blur. I have taken the week off from work so I could spend it with them.