Page 91 of Thicker Than Water

Since then, she’s published two more books and the film she wrote a screenplay for just won the Palme d’Or at Cannes. My girl is on a roll.

As the crowd of people begin to recite their oath of office, all of them with their right hand up, swearing to be loyal to the United States, I gaze at my wife.

She’s solemn, looking straight ahead. Her left-hand rests on her gently rounded stomach, where our son is growing. She’s my inspiration. My dream come true. And as she says the last sentence of the oath she’s spent the last week memorizing, she turns to look at me. Our gazes hold and she smiles as she says, “I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”

And then her eyes close, and she puts her right hand over her heart and caresses that tattoo. She opens her eyes again, her smile bright enough to rival the sun as she mouths “I’m free.”

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Thank you so much for reading Thicker Than Water. Writing it has been a labor of love. Lucía and Reece’s story ends happily, but for many people in Lucía’s position, things are far from ideal or easy.

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If you’d like to know more about this subject, I’ve included some links that you can explore.

To learn more about what life is like for undocumented immigrants, read:

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Video of Conversation between mother and son.

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Movie of Protected DACA enrollee deported:

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Great Book:

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I want to thank the brave men and women who shared their stories with me. I won’t name them, to protect their privacy. But please know that you are my heroes.