“Let’s talk sometime,” he says.
“Sure, that would be great,” I say in my typical non- committal way.
“You can come by my studio Friday. I’ll bring the food, we’ll chat. All of us. One o’clock,” he says with a knowing smile that I understand to mean that this is a summons and not an invitation.
“You dark horse,” Nadia yells and punches my shoulder with the heel of her hand hard enough that I sway. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this was Beth.” She side-steps me and flings her arms around Beth.
“Hi, I know it’s been forever. But I’m such a fan of your work and I’m so proud of you.” They hug tight, rocking back and forth like long lost sisters.
“So, what’s the story?” Dean asks in a solemn, serious voice. He’s standing behind me, an absent smile on his face, his eyes fixed on Beth and Nadia like he’s taking a forensic account of their exchange. I can see I’m not the only one who saw magic tonight. “It’s a long story.”
He smirks, his leonine eyes dart to mine, glittering with annoyance at my cagey reply. "Oh, that’s a given. It’s all over your fucking face. You’re in love with that girl. And she’s in love with you. I’m assuming you’ve been secretive because
she’s got skeletons. After tonight, it won’t be a secret anymore. So, let’s hope they’re not too bad.”
Before I can correct him or explain, his expression clears and he’s Mr. GQ cover model charming.
Beth walks toward us, smiling. But, concern has drawn a line in the center of her otherwise smooth forehead.
“Beth, is it?” Dean drawls, drawing her hand up to press a kiss to it.
“Yes,” she blushes and looks up at him through her lashes.
“It’s an honor to meet you. My wife and I are both huge fans of your work,” he adds.
“You are?” She gawks and then laughs in amazement. “That’s crazy. I can’t believe any of this.”
“Believe it. Tonight should be all about enjoying your award. You’ve got a whole room full of people waiting to meet you, so please, take my card.” He reaches into his breast pocket and pulls one out.
“Do you have representation?” he asks, his transition from fan to shark smooth and imperceptible.
“Representation for what?” she asks, her head cocked to the side. She looks at it, wide eyed and then back at him.
He smiles. “An agent. You’re a once in a lifetime kind of talent and I want to snatch you up before the rest of the world finds out. When they air that speech, you’ll be flooded with requests. Call me on Monday. If I’m not a good fit, we’ll find you someone who is. Either way, we’re about to make each other’s dreams come true.”
“Uh—I don’t know what to say. But, I don’t want to be famous,” she says and casts a worried glance at me.
“Too, late,” Dean quips with a laugh.
Beth’s worried eyes come to me and I smile and try to think of how to reassure her without lying.
I recognize the buzz in the air. I’ve felt it directed at me countless times this year. She’s got real stage presence and when she stood in front of the microphone, all the nerves stiffened her posture while she walked onto the stage, disappeared.
Some people can’t help the way light is drawn to them - and Beth is one of those people. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a choice about how she chooses to proceed.
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want. Don’t listen to him. Fame is a choice.” I try to reassure her.
She shakes her head. “Let’s not talk about things that make us anxious tonight. I’m so happy you’re here.”
Her smile isn’t as bright as it was when she walked over.
I put a hand on her shoulder, intending to pull her close enough that I can speak quietly. The smooth skin of her delicately curved shoulders against my palm feels so good. I repress a shudder when lust punches me in the gut.
I force myself to focus, because what I have to ask is important.
“Beth, are you sure? I mean, I’ll understand if you didn’t want me…” I clear my throat… me to find you,” I say, moving my hand to cup her face instead.
Her eyes shine with sincerity. They’re the color of a wild beautiful sea. I want to get lost in it, and never be found again.