“I’m so glad you found me. Promise me you always will,” she says in a soft, voice and turns her face so her lips press a kiss to my palm. I groan.

This is dangerous. Right now, I’m not sure I care. If we were alone, I would kiss her - and not give a damn that it was wrong.

Hetal swoops in, wraps an arm around Beth’s shoulder. “You were amazing. Thank you for coming and accepting our award. This is going to be great for fundraising! Everyone is so excited to meet you. So, as much as I hate to break up your conversation with Carter—and I can’t wait to hear all about how you two know each other - I must insist that you come and say hello.”

“I should go,” Beth says.

“You should go,” I say at the same time and we laugh, the tension that was building falls away.

“You go do what you came for. I’ll see you Friday at Joe’s, right?” I look closely at her face to see if there’s any hint of reluctance.

Her eyes twinkle and she grins, as if joy has hooked itself to the corners of her mouth.

“I can’t wait. Joe likes to cook, too. It’ll be fun. Let me give you the address.” She look around, and then turns back to face me with a sheepish smile on her face. “I don’t have anything to write with.”

I hand her my phone. “Put your number in and I’ll call you in the morning to get your address before I head over. And I’ve got a surprise for you so I hope you’re not busy Sunday night.”

She frowns, and I’m so happy to see that contrary, but amazingly familiar expression, that I laugh.

“It’s a good surprise, I promise.”

She laughs too and then lifts up to pull me into another hug. She whispers in my ear, “You are the best surprise of my entire life. I love you.” And then she lets go and walks away.

I watch her go and don’t let myself notice how good her ass looks in that dress.

I’m climbing out of the car when my phone rings and Dave’s name flashes.

“Tell me you have good news for me.”

“I got ‘em,” Dave says.

I pump my fist in the air. “Oh, fuck yes. I owe you, man. Next time we’re in the same city, drinks are on me.”

“Fuck that. It’s a private helicopter ride over the city. On a Friday night. Last minute. Next time we’re in the same city, everything is on you,” he says dryly.

I laugh and don’t disagree. “It’ll be worth it. She’s going to flip.” I can’t help my grin as I imagine her face on Friday.

“Who is this woman you’re going to all this effort for?”

“A friend.”

“You trying to get her to fuck you?”

“It’s not like that…she’s just a friend who I want to do something special for. That’s all,” I say it to convince him as much as myself.

“Yeah right,” he chuckles.

“She’s married.” Saying it aloud makes me want to hurl, but I force myself to because if we’re going to friends, I’ll have to get used to it.

“Well damn. Looks like we’re both in love with other men’s wives.”

I open my mouth to deny it, but can’t. “It’s complicated and you’re not in love with anyone, Dave. You’re addicted to the danger.”

He laughs, unrepentant as always. “Nah, I just like knowing no one will ever expect me to make a commitment. The danger is just a bonus.”

I laugh but a shiver wracks me. It’s freezing and starting to snow again, I balance the phone between my shoulder and my cheek and shove my hands into my tuxedo pockets. “Gotta go, it’s cold as fuck out and here and my lobby has no service. When can I get the tickets?”

“I’ll leave them at reception in the morning. I’ve got an early rehearsal.”