Page 104 of Envy

“Oh, yeah? I hardly use it anymore,” she says as she peers down West Seventh.

“Yeah, I know,” I say.

Her head turns toward me sharply, her eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, I check every once in a while to see if there’s anything new going on. Like if you’ve dumped that boyfriend of yours yet.”

“Graham. Come on.” She rolls her eyes and shakes her head before she returns to looking for our driver.

“What? You know you’re going to have to dump him, right?”

She looks at me again and narrows her eyes. “I don’t know any such thing.” And then her eyes slide to mine, and she smiles slyly. “I already have. Two months ago.”

I pump my fist. “I knew it. So, you’re single…” I nudge her thigh with mine and smile broadly when she flushes and drops her eyes. .

“I guess,” she mumbles.

“Why did you end things?” I probe.

She turns her head and gazes at me. “Because when I kissed him, I tasted you.”

My mouth goes dry and lick my lips and sharpen my gaze on her and watch her closely. “You mean, before I got here?” I ask, afraid to believe what she’s saying.

“Graham, I know it was a long time ago and that it was brief,” her fingers flutter to her lips and her eyes close briefly. My heart kicks in my chest at that gesture.

I know what she’s remembering.

I still feel it, too.

“It was so very fleeting,” her eyes come to mine and there is a direct but tender honesty in them. “That kiss ruined me. And it wasn’t fair to be with him when I dreamed about another man every night. I should have ended it a long time ago.”

My heartbeat races and my thoughts are too jumbled for me to string together a coherent response. I grin widely. “Apollo—”

“I promised to keep it quiet because he asked me to. I don’t want to embarrass him by being photographed kissing you when his family and friends all think we’re still together. And ever since you waltzed into that gala, he thinks I’m his ticket to landing you as a client.” She rolls her eyes and waits for my reaction.

I shake my head in mock confusion. “Sorry. You’ll have to repeat that. I didn’t hear anything past the part where you said you’re single,” I say with a jaunty smile and a wink. This is one less hurdle I’ll have to cross. And I’m not bothering to hide my glee.

“You’re being annoying,” she says and crosses her arms and then looks down at her phone. “He’s here.” She waves as a big black Chevy Tahoe pulls up.

“That’s a fancy Uber. I haven’t taken one in a minute, but they used to be Toyota Camrys.”

“I ordered an Uber X. I don’t ride in cars often, so when I do, I like to be comfortable,” she says as we walk to the curb.

“That’s how I feel about flying long distances. Not often, but when I do …”

I pull the passenger door open and then take her hand to boost her inside and get a nice look of that spectacular view before she sits down and slides over.

“Apollo?” The driver addresses the question to me.

“That’s me.” She waves and smiles pleasantly.

“Oh, sorry, I thought it was a guy.” He looks like he actually doesn’t give a fuck. “Anyway, we going to East Twelfth and Broadway?”

Apollo’s smile does slip. “Easy enough to understand. And yes, to Ribalta. Thank you.”

She puts her purse down and shrugs out of her jacket. I groan when I see that she’s wearing a body hugging black V-neck blouse that hugs every single curve of her body.

“Why are taking your jacket off? I thought you said we could walk there.”