Page 103 of Envy

I know I’m being every shade of perverted. But shit. I can’t help it. She does it for me. Besides, having a boner for the very best human being I know has got to be at the top of the list of best problems to have.

Especially when she’s got a boner for me, too. Now, to get her to acknowledge and then act on it.

When she gets to the front doors and finally realizes I’m not behind her, she looks over her shoulder at me, and her smile is a definite

come hither.

“What are you looking at, Grahamstar?” she asks in mock censure.

I wet my lips with the tip of my tongue before I bite it. Her eyes fall to my mouth and her beautiful chocolate-brown eyes—that I could just drown in—give me an appreciative once-over.

Oh yeah, she’s got a boner for me.

“I’m just marveling at how much you have grown since I saw you last.” I catch up to her at the door and hold it open while she steps through.

Her spicy, alluring scent wafts up my nose, and I want to bury my nose in her neck and see what it smells like mingled with her sweat.

“Have I? You have too, but I guess five years is a long time,” she says when I join her on the sidewalk. She slips her arm through mine and says, “Do you have a car?”

“No, I took the train.”

“And you made it without being attacked by one of your rabid fangirls?” she asks sarcastically. We step out of the way and let fast food traffic pass before we start our leisurely stroll again.

“You’re hilarious. Actually, only one person recognized me, and he just waved. It’s nice to not really be noticed.”

“Oh, you’re noticed. I’m sure people have posted the pictures they took while you weren’t looking. New Yorkers are too cool to act starstruck when they see someone famous, but they’re not too cool to tweet about it.”

“Well, I don’t mind that. I mean, I’m not in hiding. And I like not having to go everywhere in a car. I was actually thinking of getting a bike. It seems like the best way to get around.” I free my arm from her grasp and sling it over her shoulder and pull her to me and she tucks herself into my side. Her arm goes around my waist right away and we walk in silence for a bit.

This feels easy. Just like we’ve always been. I have a lot to say today and some of it will be difficult. So, I enjoy how good it feels to have her arms around me like we’ve been doing this our whole lives. I already feel brighter, happier. And, I really like New York.

A lot.

“Graham, we’ve been walking for nearly five minutes and you haven’t even asked where I was taking you.” Apollo nudges me with her hip.

I look down at to find her beaming up at me and I tighten my arm around her and nuzzle the top of her head with my chin.

“What are you smiling at?”

“You. You’re here. We’re hanging out.” She sighs contentedly and looks back to watch where we’re walking. “I’ve missed you.”

“Yeah, me too, Sunshine. I’m glad I came.” She gives my waist a squeeze and we fall back into our comfortable silence.

We get to the corner of Fourth Avenue before I ask where we’re going.

“It depends.” She steps out of my hold and turns to face me with a pensive look on her face. “Are you in the mood for a walk?”

“As long as there’s food at the end of it, then sure. I’m not the one in heels.” I nod down at her booted feet.

“They’re comfortable and … it’s not that far. Well, not really.” She’s looking around as she’s talking. She looks at me and purses her lips and shakes her head.

“No. We’d have to walk through Washington Square Park and every time I walk through there, something embarrassing happens. A bird will shit on my head or I’ll trip over nothing and skin my knee. Or a water pipe will burst the minute I walk past it. That place has bad juju.” She opens her purse and grabs her phone. “Let’s get an Uber.”

“Sure. Sounds good. But I still don’t know where we’re going.”

“First to eat. There’s a great Vietnamese place across from The Strand Bookstore on Broadway.”

“Oh, man. It’s on my list of places to visit. I follow them on Instagram.”