His brother’s voice faltered when he heard Patrice’s question in the background.

“Just sugar, thanks.”

Patrice sauntered out and he watched the sway of her hips, his cock lifting its weary head despite the many rounds it had already survived, admirably.

“Was that a woman’s voice?” Liam asked.

“Yes, so let’s not take all day over this. I left you a message because the car broke down again and I need a tow.”

“That’s it?”

“Yup. So you can keep your lecture for another day.”

Liam laughed. “Well, if you’d said there was a woman…I’ll let you off the hook now.”

“You’re all heart.”

“I’ll tell our mother you’re courting a woman, that’ll give her something to focus on other than your suicidal TV antics.”

“Don’t you dare,” Ben said, but he laughed, nevertheless. “My life wouldn’t be worth living. Look, I’m in Kent, and I’m going to have to get the train back to London. I’ve got a meeting with my producer in a few hours. Will you be able to tow the car back to London for me, tomorrow?”

“When are you going to give up on that restoration? It’s a wreck.”

“Liam, I just haven’t had enough time with the show. Please?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll pick you up at your place at midday. You owe me.”

“I owe you.” They all three owed each other, countless times, but they never collected.

When he hung up, he checked the time. He’d have to leave Kent soon. He was due back in London for the meeting before midday. Glancing around the room he noticed again how different it

was in daylight, and he didn’t want to leave yet. He wanted to find out what was different about Patrice, too, in the daylight. He scrolled to his producer’s phone number and hit Call.

“Hey Joe, it’s Ben.”

“What can I do for you?”

“I wondered if we could postpone our meeting. I’m still in Kent.”

“Are you okay? Did it go as planned?”

Patrice wandered back into the room carrying two steaming mugs of coffee in one hand, and a plate of pastries in the other. She’d put on a kimono type of thing that ended on her thigh. It was tied haphazardly and her breasts were visible as she walked across the room. She put the plate and mugs down on the bedside table. “We need sustenance,” she said, suggestively. “I have pain au chocolat.”

“Sounds good.”


Ben forced his attention back, which was difficult because she was bending over to pick up a cat. The kimono rode high on one side, exposing her right buttock where he caught sight of a tattoo of a red devil with horns. The little guy had a trident in one hand, and a big grin on his face.

Ben definitely did not want to hurry back to London. “Sorry, I was talking to my hostess.”

“A lady?” Joe sounded just as interested his brother had.

“Yes, good with a camera, too.”

“Glad to hear it. So, you want to postpone. Seeing as a lady is involved…” he paused for effect, “I’ll say yes, but I better give you the goods news now.”

“Good news?”