She growled, but she was smiling.

“I intend to keep you up until morning. Then I have to check your engine.”

“My engine?”

“Your car has a really bad tick over.”

“Oh. Okay.” She shrugged.

“Do you always treat strangers in the night to fabulous sex?”

“No, but you’re not really a stranger in the night to me, you’re a national hero.”

National hero? That had a kind of ring to it. Especially coming out of her sexy mouth.

“I figured I was safe having my wicked way with you,” she added.

“Safe?” He rolled her onto her back again, pinning her down.

“Well, I like the odd risk here and there, and this one certainly paid off.” She winked. “Ben,” she whispered, sighing. “If you ever need any more assistance on your documentary making, will you call me?”

The idea of it was totally absurd, but nevertheless appealing. “I’m going have to look at my schedule, see where I can fit you in. After tonight’s session, I’m going to want your, er…help, from time to time. Dangerous though that might be.” He stroked his hands over her smooth belly and lower, to where her bare pussy seemed to beg for his fingers.

“Sounds great to me. “She flashed him a sultry look from under her lashes. “Who knew investigative documentary making could so much fun?”

“Yeah, who knew,” Ben responded, with a grin, because this kind of fun was a new one to him too.


Despite his best efforts, staying awake all night had proved difficult, but it wasn’t until Patrice got up and opened the curtains that Ben realized it was well after dawn. In fact, glancing at the bedside clock, he realized it was after nine in the morning. They’d dozed on and off and he had lost all track of time.

The sun filtered through lacey curtains on the window, making the psychedelic room of the night before look much more mellow. “This room looks completely different in the daytime,” he mused as he sat up.

“That was my aim.” She shifted stuff about on her bedside table and picked up a mirror. “I’ll make coffee. First, I need lipstick.”

Ben watched as she wound the cylinder up and rode the lush red stick over her mouth, pushing them out as she did so. She had a wide, sexy mouth, and when she caught him watching her she winked and blew him a kiss. “How do I look?”

“Good enough to eat.” He was about to say more when the sound of his phone ringing came from somewhere on the floor. “I better get that.”

He stood up and fished about among his abandoned clothes, tracking the phone down to his jeans pocket.

Patrice was on her way to the door. “I’ll make us some coffee.”

He nodded, mesmerized by the look of her body, sylphlike, with the light behind it, and her hair a dramatic mess around her head.

“Hey, Liam,” he said, as he answered the phone, recognizing his brother’s number on the screen.

“I got your message. I hope you’re not lying in hospital nursing another broken limb.”

He tried to interrupt. “Liam.”

“Our mother is giving me such a hard time, you know, she pulls out her rosary beads every time your show comes on, convinced that you’re going to meet your doom.”

“Liam?” He was trying to muster up something appropriate to interrupt with, when Patrice wandered back towards him, smiling her sultry smile. Liam’s voice went on, but Ben was finding it harder to focus on what was being said.

“I can’t blame her, we’re all concerned. That stunt you did with the street gang last week. That was too close for comfort, you know.”

Patrice bent over, and kissed his cock, provocatively. “Do you take milk and sugar?”