“The show is up for an award, cutting-edge documentary of the year.”

“You’re kidding!” Ben lifted up onto his elbows.

“No, I’m not, and I reckon we stand a fair chance of pulling the award. The ceremony is at the end of the month. Is the woman you’re with attractive? You’ll want to bring a woman, give the paparazzi something to gossip about.”

Joe was always thinking about the publicity angle. But just then Patrice rolled across the bed, a small fluffy cat resting on her belly. The cat eyed up the plate of pastries, head bobbing. Patrice was smiling, and her kimono was falling open.

“Oh, yes, she’s attractive.”

“Bring her along.”

“I might just do that.”

“Do you have to rush back?” she asked, when he put his phone aside.


“Good.” She played with the cat while she watched him eat.

He studied her while he swigged coffee and devoured the pastries she’d brought. Was she the sort of woman who would come up to London to meet him? Would he be able to see her again? He certainly hoped so. He glanced around the room, trying to get clues. That was his way, after all. She liked to shop—there were knickknacks and curiosities dotted about; her artist’s touch was everywhere. If she liked art she maybe visited the galleries. He wondered if she’d been to all the good shopping spots in London. He could show her, if she hadn’t. They could even visit the galleries together.

She wiped a crumb from his chin, and then put the cat on the floor. She had a gleam in her eye, like she had mischief on her mind. What was she thinking about now?

“So, what does a guy like me have to do to get a date with a woman like you?”

She got up and stretched, and then walked to the wardrobe, dropping her kimono as she went. “I’ll give you a clue, don’t call it a date.”

“Okay.” It didn’t sound like a “no,” so he was happy with that. He rolled over and rested on his back, hands behind his head while he watched her. She bent down and wrestled around in the bottom of the wardrobe, and it made quite a picture. Her thighs were slender, her bottom perfectly heart-shaped. He could see her pussy and it was so pink and plump it had his cock lifting instantly.

“Are you feeling adventurous, Ben O’ Neil?” she called over her shoulder.

They’d been at it all night and now she wanted to make things more adventurous? No wonder she mentioned sustenance. “Always.”

The way she used his full name made him smile. It brought back echoes of his show and the challenges that were set for Ben O’Neil every week. He knew that she knew that, too.

“Just my kind of man.” She emerged with a package in her hands, and held it up.

Ben stared at it. It was a strap-on cock

“Do you think you can take it?” she teased.

Right then, he was thinking the question should have been whether or not he could take her? She was right. She was full-on. And she was also sexually adventurous. But he was just the sort of guy who liked a challenge. He nodded down at his erection, which was currently obscuring his view of the room. “What do you think, am I interested?”

She gave a mischievous chuckle and tore open the packaging.

Her breasts were riding high, the nipples tight and hard. This turned her on, she really did like being on top. He watched, mesmerized, as she put the kinky item on, belting it around her waist and between her legs. It looked outrageously pervy on her slender body, with its black leather straps and cleverly shaped cock. When she saw him watching, she stroked her hand up and down the molded cock, and licked her lips.

His blood was pumping as he anticipated her approach. She was holding a tube of lube in her hand. Bending over him, she stroked his body and then rolled him over. When she bent over and bit him in the buttock, his upper body lifted from the bed. She was full of surprises.

Alternating between kissing and biting him playfully, she made her move. He felt the cool lube spill down between his buttocks. With one hand, she stroked it between his cheeks, running her fingers gently over his anus. It was soothing and arousing all at once and his balls were pounding. “Oh, fuck, that feels good.”

She kept up the stroking for some time, so that when she moved one lubed finger inside him it slipped in easily. It was so strange, but so incredibly arousing. He clutched, then released. She climbed over him, growled in his ear, and then replaced her finger with the head of the strap on. It felt impossibly large, but she continued to murmur encouragement, her hands kneading his buttocks as she eased inside.

Tension ratcheted up his spine. Each time she kneaded him, he moved his hips, rocking back and forth. His cock was rock hard against the bed, and the friction was too good. He couldn’t help moving some more. With each rock of his hips, the artificial cock eased further inside. He’d never been so stimulated in his life, and it was forcing him to let go and enjoy. It was new, new and kinky, and his body was overwhelmed by the intense sensations. For a moment he didn’t know where he was, or who he was. Then he felt her, warm against his back, cuddling up to him and kissing the back of his shoulders while she did obscenely sexy things to his arse.

“Patrice,” he whispered. “You’re crazy.”

“I know,” she said, “but you like it.” She chuckled softly, her breath tickling the back of his neck.