She grabbed his hand. “Come on.”

“So he’s actually here?” Keats asked, anxiety tightening his stomach as he paced back and forth in the dressing room of the club. “Harlen Biggs, the exec from Nashville?”

Colby set his guitar case down and gave Keats’s shoulder a squeeze. “Yes. But don’t get all twisted up about it. He’s a nice guy, really laid-back. He introduced himself to me and Georgia a few minutes ago. Remember, he’s already heard your demo tape. He liked you enough to stop in tonight while he was in town.”

“I might throw up on my shoes.”

Georgia gave him a sympathetic look.

But Colby chuckled and headed over to the counter on the far wall to set the rest of his things down. “You’ll be fine. And I’ll be up there with you for a few songs at the end, so you’ll have some backup.”

“Good, you can hold my hair back for me when I puke on the front row.”

Georgia stepped over and slid her arms around Keats from behind. She set her chin on his shoulder. “You’re going to do great. And I will totally hold your hair back if needed.”

Keats turned around in Georgia’s embrace and touched his forehead to hers. “You say the sexiest things to me, George.”

She gave him a wry smile. “I try. And really, I can’t wait to hear you both perform. I’ve never seen either of you play for this big of a crowd. Well, except for the stuff I saw of Colby on YouTube from back in the day.”

Colby turned to her, surprise on his face. “You watched old footage of me?”

She stepped back from Keats and shrugged. “Before we got together, I’d see you leave with your guitar and was curious, so I Googled you.”

“See, all this time I thought you were dating me for me. Now I know you’re after me for my former dive bar fame,” he said with a sigh. “I feel so used.”

She strolled over to him and patted his chest. “Oh, babe, don’t worry. That’s not what it’s about at all. I’m using you for your killer body and your hot boyfriend.”

He laughed and hooked an arm around her waist. “I can live with that. He is pretty hot.”

They both turned and peered Keats’s way. And it was that look. He backed up and picked up his guitar case, using it to block. “Oh, hell, no. There are all kinds of people outside that door. And we don’t have time. And I need to focus. I’m too worried to—”

Georgia’s eyebrow arched. “Sounds like someone needs to relax.”

Colby’s smile was slow as he walked over to the dressing room door and locked it. “I think you’re right. Good thing I know a few tricks.”

Ah, shit. Keats knew then resistance was futile. When either of them looked at him like that—like he was the only thing they wanted in the world—he couldn’t think straight. “I’m on in fifteen minutes.”

“Unbutton your jeans, Keats,” Colby said, looming large against the door.

Keats’s dick jumped to attention like it’d never been touched in its life and this was its one and only chance ever to get off.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Now he definitely couldn’t walk out onstage. He set aside his guitar and his fingers fumbled with his fly.

“Pull your jeans down and brace your hands on the edge of that counter,” Colby said, nodding toward the far wall.

Keats strode over to the counter with the long mirrored wall, his nerves about the performance morphing into something much, much more pleasant. He shoved his pants and boxers to his ankles, freeing his erection, and locked his fingers around the edge of the counter. The counter was low, so he had to bend over a bit, which he knew was Colby’s intention. The guy couldn’t resist putting Keats in a vulnerable position. And Keats couldn’t stop himself from loving the way it felt to be at his mercy. At both their mercies. Georgia had taken to switching roles back and forth pretty easily. Keats lifted his head, finding his own reflection. He almost didn’t recognize himself—flushed-faced, determined, and in full surrender.

Georgia walked over to him, meeting his gaze in the mirror. She smiled and dipped beneath his arm until she was right in front of him. She took his face in her hands and kissed him softly, the slow twining of their tongues unwinding more of his nerves. She pulled back and touched a finger to his lips. “Let’s take care of those jitters.”

She slid down his body as she lowered herself to the floor, and when she got to her knees, Keats decided he didn’t need to die to go to heaven. He’d somehow found it in the mortal world with these two amazing people. He had no idea how he’d gotten so lucky, but he wasn’t in the mood to question it. He groaned deep when Georgia wrapped her lips around him and took his cock inside her mouth.

Colby stepped up behind him and dangled a red bandanna in front of his face. “Open up. That door’s thin and no one needs to know what your

pre-performance ritual is.”

Keats opened his mouth, and Colby created a makeshift gag.