The words soaked into Colby’s soul and lit him up inside. The two people he loved were his now. For good. “We’re all yours right back, gorgeous.”

His hands moved to her face, and he did the thing he’d been wanting to do for so long. He kissed her with everything he had, finally not having to worry that he would scare her away or that she’d slip through his fingers.

This time he had the real thing. Georgia. Keats.


He didn’t need to take a snapshot. There’d be albums of happy moments to come. Starting now.

He shut the door behind them and locked the world out.

He had everything he needed right here.



Georgia adjusted her position in the booth and Colby put his arm over her shoulders, pulling her closer, as they watched Keats practice his song onstage. The small club was empty except for a few employees milling around since the doors didn’t open for another hour or so, and she and Colby were tucked away in the corner, trying not to make Keats even more nervous by being front and center.

Pike, Keats’s new boss and self-designated mentor, was climbing onstage to give Keats some advice. Keats had been right. That Pike guy bled rock star when you looked at him—bleached hair, eyes that seemed to always be laughing at some private joke, and a smile that promised he could show you things that could turn you inside out. But he also seemed supremely down to earth and laid-back. A live-and-let-live kind of guy.

Georgia watched as Pike put his hands on Keats and adjusted his stance at the mic. The words own it drifted her and Colby’s way.

“Poor Keats looks like he’s going to puke,” Colby mused. “I remember the first time I played for record execs. I’d had the flu for a week and almost passed out onstage. Not pretty.”

“I wish there were something we could do to help him. He knows he’s good, knows Pike wouldn’t put his name on the line if he didn’t think Keats was worth it.”

Colby smirked. “I’m not sure if the nerves are all about tonight. I think Pike kind of freaks him out. The guy can be intense when he’s focused on getting something right.”

Georgia glanced up at Colby and poked him in the side. “I think Keats deals with intense guys just fine.”

“Who, me?” he asked innocently. “I’m just a big teddy bear.”

“Uh-huh. Until the bedroom door shuts.” She stretched up to kiss him. “But that’s one reason why we love you.”

He grinned down at her and gave her a look that made her wish they weren’t just in a dark corner but a place with a door to close. She pulled her gaze away and peered toward the stage again. Pike was behind Keats, hands on Keats’s shoulders, as he coached him. Keats looked to be taking in every word, a serious expression on his face.

“Damn,” she said, considering the beautiful man onstage with a touch of awe. “Look at him. You realize that if he’s successful with this music thing, women—and men—will be throwing themselves at him. We’re going to have to fight them off with sticks. Even Pike can’t keep his hands off him.”

Colby leaned back, amused. “Well, don’t worry about Pike. He’s straight. He’s just one of those people who thinks personal space is optional. But yeah, that’s the beauty and curse of being in a relationship, especially one like ours.”

“What’s that?”

“We all have to be willing to fight for it.”

She turned in his hold, taking in the way he looked at her, her gorgeous, big-hearted man. Some days she still couldn’t believe all she had. She looped her arms around his neck. “I’ll always be willing to fight for you two.”

“Glad to hear it”—he pushed her hair away from her face—“because we aren’t going to let you go either. You’re stuck with us.”

She leaned into him and pressed her face against his neck, breathing him in. A few months ago that kind of declaration would’ve sent her running. Guys who didn’t want to let her go—no thank you. But now she couldn’t imagine wanting anything more. She’d found her space in the world where she fit just right—and it happened to be between these two men.

A few minutes later, Keats wrapped up his practice onstage and headed to the back. She slid out of Colby’s hold, watching Keats’s retreating form. Everything about his stance said he was nervous as all get-out. She nodded her head toward him. “So I thought of a way we could help him out.”

Colby lifted a brow. “Yeah?”

“It’s a devious plan.”

“Well, then I’m obviously in.”