“No, but that’s never stopped her,” Monty said before I could. “I keep telling her it’s dangerous to make it up as you go along, but she won’t listen.”

“Because my very avoidance of the rules of magic might yet be the one thing that saves me.”

Monty’s gaze met mine, and all amusement fell from his expression. After a moment, he nodded and then rose. “Thank you for breakfast, Belle. I’ll go grab my gear, then come back and talk you both through that restrictor spell. That way, you can just activate it when and if necessary.”

I nodded and hoped like hell that it wouldn’t be necessary. That Vita would do the right thing and leave once she’d gained her revenge.

But I wasn’t about to risk Belle’s life on it.

Ashworth and Eli followed Monty out the door. Aiden caught my hand and, as Belle gathered the plates and took them into the kitchen, dropped a kiss onto my palm. “I hope you realize I’ll not be leaving your side during this whole tracking expedition. If this bitch wants a piece of you, she’ll have to go through me first.”

“While I appreciate the sentiment, don’t forget what she is. I doubt she’s afraid of me; she’s certainly not going to be afraid of a werewolf, however fierce and determined he might be.”

“Ah, but you’re forgetting I’m a werewolf who’s wearing a multilayered protection charm. Even if it only keeps her off me for a minute or so, teeth can do a whole lot of damage in that time. And while she’s distracted by me, you can pin her, and Belle can help Vita stab her.”

“Something Belle would rather not think about.” She came out of the kitchen. “I’m generally not the squeamish type, but Vita wants to see her suffer—wants to feel her blood as it washes across my skin—and the thought of that is giving me the jeebies.”

Aiden raised an eyebrow. “Jeebies?”

“As in, heebie-jeebies.”

He snorted softly, then squeezed my fingers and released them. “I’d better go to work for a few hours.”

“You’re welcome to use our shower if you’ve another change of clothes in your truck,” I said.

“We’ve one at the station, and it’s werewolf sized. I’ll see you soon.” He rose, kissed the top of my head, and then left.

“I take it he just cast shade on our shower,” Belle said. “Does he not realize that what it lacks in size it makes up for in pressure?”

“No, and I doubt he’d care. You’ve seen the showers at his place.”

“The word palatial does come to mind. For a down-to-earth, straightforward man, he sure doesn’t mind a bit of over-the-top comfort in his bathrooms.”

“Which makes me wonder if a former girlfriend had some say in the fit out.”

“I could go mind fishing, if you want.”

“No, leave the man alone.”

She simply grinned at me.

“Seriously, don’t.”

Her grin just got wider. I shook my head and gripped the end of the table to push upright. Pain swirled, and a hiss escaped.

Belle’s amusement quickly fell away. “Have you taken your tablets?”

“I’m not due for another lot until eleven. But I will have a cup of coffee, if you don’t mind making it.”

She nodded and, once she was sure I was steady on my feet, headed over to make my coffee. I slowly made my way into the reading room, but didn’t bother moving any of the furniture. I just propped on the table and began working on the tracker spell. Monty was right in that I’d never been taught the spell, but I’d seen him create one, and it hadn’t looked too difficult. Thankfully, I not only had a good memory when it came to spell wording, but I could also picture the needed result in my mind and work from that.

Belle came in with my drink halfway through and watched through narrowed eyes as I tied it off and then briefly activated it. For several seconds, nothing happened. The gently glowing sphere of golden threads sat on my palm, seemingly dead. Then, faintly, came a pulse.

The two tracker threads were active. The Empusae hadn’t yet sensed them.

Relief stirred. I deactivated the spell, placed it carefully on the table, and then accepted the mug Belle gave me. Despite the strong coffee smell, I could tell it had been laced with ginseng and basil, both of which had anti-inflammatory properties as well as being able to boost strength and lower stress.

The latter was certainly needed.