“Do you want to contact Vita now? Or later, when we’re out in the field and have some idea where she is?”

Belle hesitated. “It’s probably better to do it now. That way, I can rest up before we head out.”

It also meant there was less chance of the Empusae sensing what was happening outside her lair, as we’d have to set up a protective circle to prevent Vita trying to take over too soon. Hosting a spirit was physically draining, and the longer the possession went on, the more dangerous it became. There had been cases of witches dying thanks to the stress it had put on their bodies.

I drained my coffee, then carefully eased down onto the floor and crossed my legs. Belle sat opposite and clasped my hands. “Ready?”

I took a deep breath that hurt like blazes and then nodded. Belle deepened the connection between us and said, her mental tone one of command, Vita, appear before us. We need to talk to you. You may enter this building as long as you wish us no harm.

There was no response.

Vita, appear before us, Belle said again, the demand in her voice stronger. The force of it echoed through the air, a call that would be heard well beyond the boundaries of Castle Rock.

Again, there was no response. Not for several minutes. But just as the echoes of her demand began to fade, the magic protecting this place pulsed as Vita arrived and passed through it.

Then she was in front of us. She was far paler than the last time—far more indistinct. Belle was right—she hadn’t yet recovered from her efforts last night.

What is it you wish of me? Her voice, like her form, was faint.

Liz placed a tracking spell on the Empusae last night. We’re going after her in an hour. If you wish to be a part of the kill, you need to follow us.

Let me in—

No, Belle said forcibly. When we have this demon cornered and leashed, I will give you your revenge. Until then, you bide your time.

Annoyance shimmered across Vita’s form, and it had my distrust rising.

I have no choice but to do this your way. But rob me—

If we’re going to throw threats around, then let me give you one—any attempt to overstay will be met by force.

Her amusement stirred the air. My distrust sharpened.

Do not fear, little witch. I have no desire to stay where I am not welcome.

One more thing before you go, Belle said. Is this demon capable of moving around in daylight?

That I cannot tell you, but she’s certainly powerful enough to do so if she wished.

Great, I thought. Just what we needed to hear.

I’ll call again once we have caught this demon, Belle said. Until then, depart this place.

Vita obeyed. Belle took a deep breath, then squeezed my hands and released me. Wisps of weariness clung to her, but they were nowhere near as bad as the first time.

“Go upstairs and rest,” I said. “I’ll give you a call when Monty arrives.”

She nodded and climbed to her feet. “Do you need a hand up?”

I shook my head. “I’ll manage. Go rest.”

She did. I grabbed the table for balance, then slowly got up. I didn’t bother going up the stairs—I just made myself a big pot of tea, grabbed yesterday’s Herald-Sun, and plonked myself down on the table to catch up on the news.

Monty came in about an hour later without his crutches and walked us through the restrictor spell.

“Seems simple enough,” I said.

He nodded. “Just don’t do any variations, because it can be a dangerous spell.”