“I think you’re making too much of things.”

“Really? Then how would you explain that kiss?”

“What about it? It was a dare. A game. No big deal.”

“This is me you’re talking to,” Elena said. “You can’t lie to me. I was on the other end of that kiss, and you kissed me back.”

He shook his head, not wanting to admit that there was something going on between them. “You’re making too much of it.”

“And you’re working too hard to deny there was something to that kiss. Now why would that be?”

He ran a hand over the scruff lining his chiseled jaw. “It must just have been instinctive. After all, I’m not used to women literally throwing themselves at me.”

Elena sighed. “Well, your sister saw that the kiss was more than a friendly peck. You know she’s going to make something of it.”

“Not if we don’t let her.”

Nervous laughter escaped her lips. “Have you met your sister? No one tells her what to do, and that includes her big brother.”

Luca’s lips settled into a firm line. Apparently he didn’t find it amusing. She didn’t blame him. This whole thing was getting sticky. Maybe she should just fess up now about the baby.

But what did she say? Did she just blurt it out? No. It had to be handled delicately.



They both spoke at once. Both surprised, they stopped and stared at each other.

“Ladies go first.” Luca looked at her expectantly.

Suddenly her nerve failed her. She needed more time. She had to think of the right words. “You go first. You look like you have something important to say.”

He glanced at his phone. “I have to get to a meeting with Prince Demetrius.”

“Oh.” She noticed how he used the word meeting. “Do you two have business together?”

“I hope so.” Then a guilty look came over his face. “Would it be all right if I left you here?”

“Seriously? You’re worried about me walking home alone in broad daylight while on the royal estate—”

“Okay. Okay. I get the point. I just didn’t want you to think that I was ditching you.”

“I’ll be fine. Go have your meeting. I hope it goes well.”

He started to walk back to the palace, but then he turned back to her. “What was it you wanted to tell me?”

“It can wait.”

“You’re sure?”

“Positive.” What they needed to discuss was going to take much longer than the couple of minutes that he had right now. And she was certain he wouldn’t be able to think clearly after she told him. “We’ll catch up later.”

“You can count

on it. Wish me luck.”

“Good luck.”