And with that he was gone. She was left to wonder what business he had with the crown prince. The last she knew Luca was into investments or some such thing, but what would that have to do with Mirraccino? And the last time they’d discussed his profession, he’d sworn her to secrecy until he told his father. So what exactly was he up to?

* * *

“I’m sorry—I can’t help.”

Luca stared at the crown prince, wishing he’d heard him incorrectly. This couldn’t be right. He knew for a fact that Mirraccino was flourishing. So why was his cousin turning down his business plan?

“If it’s the price,” Luca said, “I’m sure we can negotiate it.”

The truth of the matter was that he hadn’t had near enough time to formulate any solid numbers. But the crown prince’s schedule was kept quiet due to security concerns, and Luca didn’t want to miss a chance to talk with him in person. His cousin was being groomed to take over the throne. And though Demetrius traveled often for diplomatic duties, he was also making business connections to keep Mirraccino flourishing.

Demetrius barely took his eyes off his young daughter. She was a toddler now, with a rosy smile just like her mother. She was into everything and getting faster on her toes each day. “It’s not the price.” When Princess Katrina landed on her diapered backside, Demetrius offered his hands for her to cling to while she got back on her feet. “This is just a really bad time. Perhaps we can revisit this in six months or a year?”

Luca had examined enough of the business’s records to know there wouldn’t be a lemon grove in six months, much less a year. It needed a large infusion of cash as of yesterday. But he refused to give up. If he hadn’t let his ego rule his common sense, he would have returned to his home in Halencia long before now. He would have known the condition of his family’s business.

“Perhaps I could speak with the king,” Luca said.

“No.” Demetrius frowned. Obviously he wasn’t used to people not accepting the finality of his word. “My father is not seeing anyone.”

Luca had noticed the king’s absence since he’d arrived at the palace, but he’d thought his uncle was just feeling under the weather. “Is he okay?”

“I really don’t want to discuss my father.”

Princess Katrina toppled over on her backside once more, but this time she didn’t laugh it off. She started slowly with a couple of unhappy grunts before it grew into a full-on cry. Demetrius immediately swung her little body up into his arms. “Is someone ready for a nap?” He shushed her before looking back at Luca. “I really am sorry. Now, I need to get this princess to her crib.”

Luca watched the crown prince walk away. All the while Demetrius talked in soft, gentle tones that seemed to soothe his daughter. Luca wanted to be upset with him for immediately turning down his proposal without an explanation, but it was so hard to be angry with a man holding a baby in his arms.

Luca shook his head as he went to stand next to the elongated library window. He stared off into the clear blue sky. He couldn’t imagine dividing his life between family and business. That was exactly what he’d been avoiding all this time—the complications.

He was so much better off alone.



Today is the day.

Elena had awoken just as the sun rose the next morning. She hadn’t slept well. Her thoughts wouldn’t slow down enough for her to sleep more than an hour or two at a time. Finally she gave up.

By the time she stepped out of bed, she’d accepted that party or no party, she had to tell Luca about the baby. Keeping this secret was eating her up inside. They’d never kept secrets from each other until now. And this wasn’t just any secret—it was gigantic and life changing.

She knew Luca had no intention of settling down with a family—ever. He said that families were too complicated and that love didn’t last. She felt sorry for him. A lifetime was a long time to be alone.

She might have given romance a try and failed miserably, but at least she’d put herself out there. It bothered her that Luca wouldn’t even try. What did that mean for their child? Would Luca insist on keeping their son or daughter at arm’s length?

Elena hoped Luca would make an exception for his own flesh and blood. But he hadn’t for his father or sister. Elena inwardly groaned. She’d been going in these endless circles all night. The only way to get some real answers was to speak to Luca.

After showering and dressing, she went downstairs to check on her mother. Elena found her in the kitchen about to prepare food for her invited guests. It appeared that Wednesday involved another card game.

Elena had her mother sit at the kitchen table while Elena set to work preparing a meat and cheese platter as well as a fruit and vegetable one. The whole time her mother filled her in on friends and family, who had married and who was expecting babies. Elena got the hint. Her mother was anxious to expand the family. She wondered what her mother would think if she knew the truth about Elena’s condition.

“Are you sure I can’t do anything else?” Elena asked as she placed the last platter in the fridge.

“No. You’ve done plenty by preparing lunch for everyone. Now, don’t you have something to do this afternoon?”

“Mother, are you trying to get rid of me?” She eyed her mother, who suddenly looked flustered.

“Of course not. I’m not trying to get rid of you. It’s just that there are four of us already. You would be a fifth person, and that wouldn’t work well for cards.”