“Then just listen. If I succeed, you’ll sign over the position of president to me.”

His father’s dark brows gathered and his mouth opened, no doubt to protest.

“You did say that you were planning to step down, didn’t you?” Luca knew as sure as the sun was going to rise tomorrow that unless an agreement was in place, his father would never step down. Once the company was back in the black, his father would no longer have a reason to hand over the reins.

His father sighed as he shrugged his shoulders. “Okay. You’ll be president if you succeed.”

“And you’ll put this all in writing?”

The duke’s shoulders grew rigid as his bushy brows drew together. “My word isn’t enough for you?”

“Let’s just say, this way there will be no room for misunderstandings.”

His father studied him for a moment. “The Luca who left here years ago never would have asked for such a contract.”

“I was young then. And my mother had just died. It’s not fair to throw that in my face—”

“Slow down. You didn’t let me finish. I was going to add that I am impressed. You’ve grown up to be a man who isn’t afraid to stand his ground, even against his father. I just hope you have that much resilience and guts when it comes to turning around the business.”

“I will. Trust me.”

Luca hoped he sounded more assured than he felt at that moment. His entire future and his family’s legacy hinged on him pulling together a new business plan. And it was just starting to sink in that this endeavor might be much more important than proving himself to his father.

He had just signed on to save their home—the place where his ancestors had lived for generations. The place that was filled with memories of his mother. The thought tugged at his heart.

And at the moment, he didn’t have a plan. He had to come up with one fast. And it had to be good—no, it had to be great.

* * *

At last her mother was resting.

Elena breathed a sigh of relief. Her mother was far too active. It was difficult to get her to stop and elevate her ankle like the doctor had told her to do. And her mother looked wiped out. She’d said her ankle throbbed at night and it kept her awake.

Today, Elena had promised to sit with her to watch an old black-and-white movie starring Cary Grant. Her mother seemed pleased with the suggestion, seeing as her father wasn’t one for movies. He’d rather play checkers or cards to pass the time.

It was only a matter of minutes into the movie when her mother drifted off to sleep while sitting upright on the couch. Elena put a throw blanket over her and was on her way to the kitchen for another cup of coffee when there was a knock at the door. Not wanting her mother to wake up, she rushed to the door and opened it.

There, standing before her, was Luca in a blue button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, white shorts and boat shoes. He looked as if he’d just stepped off the deck of a luxury yacht. Dark sunglasses hid his eyes from her.

She ran a hand over her hair, realizing that she hadn’t bothered to do much with her appearance that morning. “Luca, what are you doing here?”

“I thought we could walk together to the picnic.”

“But last night—”

“You left before we finished our conversation. So are you ready to go?”

“I’m not going.”

“You can’t back out. It’s a weeklong celebration and everyone on the invite list is expected. I was told this personally. Apparently my sister thinks I might skip out on her. So if I have to go, you do, too. And that includes the dinner and dance on Saturday.”

“Your sister must be so excited.” What did one even wear to such an affair? She wasn’t certain, but she guessed frilly hats might be involved. She didn’t own any.

“I’ll give my sister credit for bringing together all our childhood friends. It was a good idea. And don’t worry, the dance isn’t a full-on ball. I imagine she’s saving that for the wedding. Anyway, are you ready to go?”

He had to be joking. She glanced down at the ratty T-shirt she’d found in her old dresser as well as a pair of cutoff jean shorts. “Um, no. I’m looking after my mother. She had a rough night.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. We could always stay here? I’m sure Annabelle would understand.”