“But I wouldn’t.” Her mother’s voice was immediately followed by the tapping of her crutches.

Elena turned to her mother. “But I’m here to take care of you.”

“I can take care of myself. And if you go, perhaps I can take a nap without being interrupted.”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you.” Luca at least had the decency to look embarrassed.

Her mother waved away his worry. “I’m glad you stopped by. I remember a time not so long ago when you and my daughter were inseparable.”

Was her mother trying to set them up again? Heat rushed to Elena’s face. Of all the times for her mother to try to play matchmaker, this was the worst.

“That was a long time ago, Mother.” Elena hoped to dismiss that subject.

“Not that long ago by my standards. You two got into all sorts of mischief. I was never sure which one of you was the instigator. I think you took turns, but regardless, you were always a mess by the time you got home. I can’t begin to tell you how many outfits you ruined with mud. I was certain that one day you two would end up together—”

“Mother...” Elena lowered her voice, willing her mother to stop.

Elena didn’t know if it was the embarrassment or something else, but suddenly her head felt a bit woozy and her stomach lurched. She pressed a hand to her forehead, hoping to settle her head. This wasn’t good. Not good at all.

At least it wasn’t the cramping she’d experienced just after she’d learned she was pregnant. That scare had sent her running to her ob-gyn. The doctor assured her that everything was normal, but she’d agreed to do a sonogram so Elena could see it with her own eyes.

The sight of her own itty-bitty baby with a heartbeat had brought tears to her eyes. She’d had them print out a photo that she carried in her purse everywhere she went. She was surprised she hadn’t worn out the photo from holding it so much.

“Elena, are you feeling all right?” Her mother sent her a worried look.

Elena willed her body to cooperate. If only it would listen. “Sure. I’m fine.”

Her mother studied her. “I don’t know. You’re a bit flushed and you haven’t been eating much. Maybe you should stay home today and rest. I could call my friend and tell her that we’ll play cards another time—”

“Nonsense. I’m fine. Nothing to worry about.”

Her mother sent her a look that said she didn’t believe her. With her mother, it was hard to say if the news that Elena was pregnant with the earl’s baby would be welcome. It would either make her mother extremely happy or horrify her that it hadn’t happened in the proper manner.

“There you go again,” her mother said. “You look like you’re about to pass out.”

Why did her mother have to pick now, of all times, to make a fuss over her? Elena swallowed hard. “It’s just a little warm in here.”

“Warm?” Her mother’s frown increased.

Elena chanced a glance at Luca, who was unusually quiet. He was staring right at her as though also trying to determine what was up with her. She just hoped that after their time apart his keenness at reading her thoughts would be skewed. After all, surely he wouldn’t be able to figure out her condition just by looking at her.

Perhaps an outing was best. She was anxious to avoid her mother’s questions. “I really need to change my clothes. I don’t want to be late.”

Once upstairs and with the bedroom door closed, Elena took her first easy breath. It wouldn’t be long now until her mother figured out that she was pregnant. And then what? Did she fess up that it was Luca’s baby? Her mother would insist on a wedding. And that wasn’t going to happen. Neither Elena nor Luca was interested in marriage. As it was, Luca had been doing enough backpedaling after their night together to make it clear that he didn’t want more than friendship with her.

So where did that leave her? Saying she didn’t know the father of the baby? No. That so wasn’t her. And anyone who knew her would realize it was a lie.

That left her with refusing to divulge the father’s name, saying he wanted nothing to do with her or the baby. But was that how Luca would truly feel? Would he turn his back on them both and walk away?

The Luca she’d known all these years would never do such a thing. No, he would stand by her out of obligation. But how would that work? She would make him miserable, and vice versa. Talk about a mess.

Elena switched into a dressy pair of shorts and

a cotton top. She stopped in front of the mirror and decided to pull her hair up into a ponytail. She couldn’t believe that in the midst of everything she was going on a picnic with Luca.

Five minutes later, she returned to find her mother and Luca deep in conversation about Annabelle’s fiancé. They both stopped talking and turned to her.

“I’m ready,” Elena said.