When Luca started searching out his seat, his sister said, “You’re up here, next to me.” And then before he could ask, Annabelle said, “And Elena is right next to you.”

That was very unorthodox, and his sister always maintained formality at these occasions. She was up to something, but he was so off lately that he couldn’t put his finger on exactly what his sister had planned.

Annabelle clinked her glass. “Everyone, please have a seat.”

It took a few minutes until everyone was seated. It was then that Luca noticed there were three empty seats—all directly across from him. What was she doing?

Annabelle remained standing. “I have a few more guests.”

Through a side door Elena’s mother entered, followed by both of their fathers. Oh, no. They were so busted. He didn’t dare look at Elena. He could already feel her gaze boring into the back of his head.

Annabelle started speaking with a very serious expression. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming.” As she kept talking, she gave him and Elena some strange looks. “I’m thankful that my big brother is home with his family. And if the news I’ve uncovered is any indication, I think he’ll be spending more time here.”

A murmur rippled around the table.

His father sent him a questioning look, but Luca pretended not to notice. This was not good. Not good at all. The parents hadn’t even been clued in and here was his sister about to blow the whistle in front of the whole family and their closest friends.

It was like watching a crash in slow motion and being too stunned to act. His sister was standing there smiling and getting ready to reveal their secret marriage. How was everyone going to react?


THIS WAS GOING to be a disaster.

Elena lowered her gaze as Annabelle continued to address the guests. Why was she doing this? Had Luca told her? Elena couldn’t believe he would tell his sister without mentioning it to her, but obviously someone had told her about the marriage.

And then Elena wondered just how much Annabelle knew. Did she know about the baby? Please don’t let her blurt that out. Elena really wanted to tell her parents when the time was right. They deserved to know first.

“It has come to my attention that my big brother has been keeping a rather large secret from us,” Annabelle said.

All eyes trained on Luca, followed by the murmur of voices. Everyone was trying to guess the news. But they were never going to guess that they’d eloped.

Heat engulfed Elena’s chest, neck and face. If Annabelle was trying to punish them for keeping this secret, she was doing a good job. If only Elena could fade into the woodwork, she would—in a heartbeat.

Luca glanced at her. Her gaze searched his to find out if he’d known his sister was going to do this. As though he could read her thoughts, his brows rose and he gave a slight shrug.

Great! Annabelle was running loose. And who knew what she was going to say. Elena reached out for Luca’s hand. They were in this together. He squeezed her hand, but the reassuring gesture did nothing to settle her queasy stomach.

Annabelle continued, “And now for the news that has come to light.” She paused as though for dramatic effect. “My brother and the lovely Elena have eloped.”

Gasps ensued around the table.

Elena chanced a glance at her

mother, who was all smiles. Thank goodness! At least one person was happy for them. Elena wasn’t sure whether Annabelle was happy or angry. Not that she would blame Annabelle for being upset. This was supposed to be her time in the limelight.

Annabelle said, “Tonight’s celebration has turned into a wedding supper and reception in the ballroom.” She turned to them. “Come on now, stand up, you two. You surely didn’t think you were going to get away with this, did you?”

Neither of them answered. They just held on to each other’s hands.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce my brother, the Earl of Halencia, and his wife, Elena.”

Everyone clapped and smiled, including all the parents and most of all Annabelle, who rushed over to hug Luca.

And then she moved to stand in front of Elena. “I can’t believe you kept this a secret.”

What was she supposed to say to that? “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. If you’re happy with my stubborn brother, then more power to you.” Annabelle smiled broadly and held out her arms. “Welcome to the family, sis.”