She scanned the room, but Luca was nowhere to be found. How could that be? This was his sister’s party. He wouldn’t miss it, not now that he was trying to make up for the past.

“There you are.” Annabelle rushed over. Her off-white gown was figure fitting and accentuated all her attributes. She looked stunning.

“Sorry. I didn’t think I was late.”

“You aren’t. Everyone just wants to get an early start on the evening.” Annabelle gave her a worried look. “Are you feeling better?”

“Yes.” Elena felt the heat swirl in her chest and rush to her cheeks. “I’m really sorry about yesterday. I just wasn’t up for a day in the sun.”

“I understand. With headaches, the bright light is the worst.” Annabelle took her by the arm and led her over toward a cluster of people. “Let’s get you a drink.”

“Actually, I was going to ask you if Luca is coming this evening.”

Annabelle glanced around. “He should be here. I know that he had an important meeting earlier, but he promised that he would be here. I’ll go find him.”

“No, let me.”

Annabelle nodded. “But don’t you go and get lost, too.”

“I won’t. I promise.”

Perhaps it was best she met up with Luca away from prying eyes. She had no idea how it would go, because she’d never been in such a serious situation with Luca before.

She hoped they could find a way to smile and get through the evening. Just tonight and they would have made Annabelle’s celebration perfect.

She started for the door when Luca stepped inside. Elena stopped in her tracks. She observed the frown on his face and the way his eyes were full of turmoil.

Oh, no! This was not good. Not good at all.

* * *

The situation was dire.

More so than Luca first thought.

How in the world was he supposed to convince Elena to stay with him in Halencia now? There was no way he could provide her with the life she would expect and deserve, not unless there was a miracle. The only thing he did know was that the news could wait until tomorrow.

Luca tugged at the collar of his white dress shirt. This was the last place he wanted to be. He did not like tuxes. They were stuffy and uncomfortable. They had to have been created by a woman, because he couldn’t imagine a man designing something so miserably uncomfortable.

He hadn’t even worn a tux to his own wedding. So when his sister insisted that he wear one this evening, he’d almost blurted out about the wedding. But he caught himself in time. So the only reason he was wearing this monkey suit was to appease his sister and possibly Elena.

He’d really messed things up on the beach the other day. He’d lost his cool, and she’d been avoiding him since then. He’d thought of calling her, but what they needed to say to each other was better said in person.

And then his gaze latched on to Elena. She was standing there in a beautiful dress, but it was the expression on her face that made the breath catch in the back of his throat. She was staring at him with a lost look on her face. She was looking at him like he was a stranger. The knowledge dug at him.

They approached each other, their gazes never wavering.

At the same time, they said, “We need to talk.”

“There you are, brother. I was worried you got caught up in something and forgot the time.” Annabelle rushed up to them.

“I could never forget you,” he said and forced a smile.

“Good. It’s time to sit down.” Annabelle pointed to the table.

“So much for talking,” Luca whispered in Elena’s ear.

He knew his sister had done a formal seating chart, which meant he wouldn’t be seated next to Elena. She would probably be at one end while he was seated at the other with a chatty woman next to him. Tonight he wasn’t in the mood to make light conversation.