“Nothing,” Jess glanced over the menu not paying too much attention.

For a good hour, he sat talking with his sister about something. Did Lee see what was going on? Did she command him to fire her? Alexa’s mind whirled with all sorts of crazy thoughts. Tension. She hated the tension. She wished she didn’t excuse herself when Lee walked into Jess’s office. She really didn’t like the icy reception Lee gave her at all. And judging by Jess’s expression, he wasn’t all too impressed either. The last thing she wanted to do was build a wedge between a brother and sister.

“I’m surprised you don’t have a man waiting on you hand and foot.” Jess finally spoke after the waiter took their orders.

“I did.”

“What happened?”

Was he really interested in her love life? It was so hard to read Jess sometimes. Alexa hated talking about her heartache she’d been through so much therapy and self-help stuff that it wasn’t funny. “He died,” she swallowed hard.

“Oh, God! I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“No. Really, it’s okay. I never thought I’d get over it. I mean we were dating for a year but it kind of just happened. Well, he was serving in the Middle East,” her voice trailed off.

“Sorry to hear that. It must have been terrible for you.”

“It was but I got over it I suppose.”

“My dear, you don’t really get over the death of a loved one. You just get used to it. With time.”

“I guess. Did you lose someone close to you.”

“Not that I really want to get into it.”

“I don’t mind, really.”

“No, this is your congratulatory dinner for making it to account manager. We’re very proud to have you on our creative team.”

Alexa felt heat rise to her cheeks. “Thanks.” But her mind kept whirling to that seductive, erotic kiss back at the office. She hated Lee for interrupting. Just to think anything could have happened if Lee hadn’t knocked on the door. They were both super aroused. No doubt about it.

“Anyway, his name was Eric,” Alexa continued about her ex. “And there was one thing that he taught me.”

“What’s that?” Jess seemed genuinely interested.

“That life is to be lived not feared.”

Jess nodded thoughtfully, his eyes seemed to admire what he saw before him. This made Alexa even more nervous.

“Eric was a smart man.”

“Yes, he was. I wished I followed his advice sometimes. You gotta sometimes go for what you want in life. You only live once. When you look at how anyone can be here one minute and gone the next…it’s just not worth not getting the most out of life when you can.”

“Is that what you do? Get the most out of life every day?”


“Like that email you sent to me,” he said casually as he held up his glass of wine to his lips taking another sip. A grin touched the corner of his lips.

“Hey, that wasn’t meant for you. I told you at the office after Lee left. The email was for—“

“I know. I know. A romance writing class. But you just happened to use my name.”

“So? I had to come up with someone that…I…um sort of admired for the part of my male lead.”

“So you just fantasized about making love to me.” His voice was deep, silky and low and sent waves of desire sliding down her spine. God, he was gorgeous! He was so charming in every way.

“I think you wanted me to see that piece of erotic literature.”

“Did not.”

“Did too.” He teased back.

“How would you know?”

“Because sometimes we do things subconsciously. You were somehow hoping that I would see it and well, your subconscious mind created that opportunity. You were careless in sending it to your friend Jessica Macy. You know that depending on which email program you use, once you type the first letter and so on of the person’s name in the ‘to’ box, other similar names pop up. You just have to make sure you send to the right recipient.”

“So are you sorry I sent you…”

“I’m glad you did, Alexa.”

“You are?” Alexa flushed. Her heart went pitter patter inside her chest.

“Why does that surprise you?”

She wanted to say because she thought he was so out of her league. A fantasy that could never become reality. But she dared not say it.

Later they discussed work and strategies to win the Hot Spot Resort account’s latest venture. Jess admired her creative ideas and her enthusiasm. He rarely saw that genuineness in an employee. She was dedicated and passionate to all of her projects.