“You know, it would be great if you could take a vacation, too.”

“Who me?” Jess almost laughed out loud. “Now what makes you think that I need one?”

“Well, you work very hard, long hours at the office and you rarely take a vacation. You know there is more to life than work.”

“Not much though.”

“You know the average full-time worker in America works 2,080 hours a year! That’s a lot of hours working.”


“Well, I did a tally on all the overtime you do, and well, you probably clock double that!”

“Oh, really? So you’ve been watching up on me.”

“Not really. Just saying that…well…work is great but…”

“And what if work were your passion and your sense of joy…then what?”

“Well, nothing wrong with that I suppose but,” she said waving her fork in her hand. “Life should be about balance. Too much of anything isn’t good.”

“Oh, is that so?” he said leaning in closer. His eyes sliding down her figure.

Alexa’s pulse pounded in her throat.

Damn this heat between them!

If she could get away with it, she’d take him right there and then. But that wouldn’t be very ladylike or like Alexa. What was with her when she was around him? Maybe being celibate for the last year wasn’t such a good idea after all. Her hormones were racing.

She could just tell that his hormones were spiralling, too.

The question was—what were either of them going to do about it?


Later in the afternoon, back at the office, Jess and Alexa sat in the boardroom looking over some of the Hot Spot account notes. Most of the other employees were already gone home. It was almost six o’clock in the evening.

“Hot Spot: The resort that sizzles,” Alexa said, almost to herself as she held up an old brochure of the hotel.

“What did you just say?” Jess queried, as if amazed.

“Oh, nothing. Just, you know….when I think of Hot Spot, I think of, well, a sizzling hot resort.”

“That’s it!”

“What’s it?”

“Their new logo.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me, right? It’s so….simple.”

“Sometimes, simplicity is best, my dear. Look at this old ad copy from their other agency. I don’t know why they didn’t give us this assignment when we first took them on. It’s boring and it only lists features of the resort.”

“But advertising is about listing the benefits, too!”



“So, we go from there. Great work, Alexa!”

Alexa felt heat rise to her cheeks again. “Really, Jess. It’s nothing.” She couldn’t bring herself to look at his luscious lips that just earlier in the day were pressed so hotly against hers. She knew she would blush a deep red, for sure. Instead she kept her gaze fixed on the folder in front of her.

As he got up to gather the material together, he glanced down at his gold Rolex watch. “I really don’t think you should be sticking around much longer.”

“Well, what are you going to do?”

“I have business to take care of,” he said not looking up at her.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to work late again.”

He stopped what he was doing and shoved his hands in his pocket, a grin touched the corner of his lips. His dark eyes mellowed. “And what, my dear, is it to you, if I stay late?”

The scent of his aftershave wafted past her nostrils. He was delicious in every sense of the word.

“Nothing. I just…care. That’s all. I mean, you’re my boss…I mean you’re a person…” God, why was she all clumsy all of a sudden, fumbling for coherent words to say.

Before she could finish, Jess was close to her again. He leaned his tall frame down and pressed his soft lips to hers again. She thought she would faint from his sweet flavor. What was wrong with her. He pulled his lips away and gently guided her up and she sat on the boardroom oak table. How many meetings have they had in that room where she had to hide her feelings for him? Pretend he wasn’t the hottest man on earth? Too many times. But not now.

Jess drank in the sweetness of her lips again. He kissed her devouringly. His lips were warm and sweet on hers. Like fine red wine. Pulsations rippled through her body as his tongue circled and danced with hers. She sipped his lips, suckled them as he moved his hands down to her breasts and circled his thumb around her taut nipples. She shivered with delight.

She felt his hard, firm erection pressed against her thighs.

“Oh, God! I want you, Lex.” His voice was so hoarse she hardly recognized it. Did he just call her Lex? She didn’t know why but this turned her on. Only those close to her called her Lex.