Page 22 of New York Rain

If anyone would admit that he had closed himself off to the world, Harold would willingly say yes. He had done it, ever since Emily had died. Hell, ever since she had gotten so sick. At first he had hoped the doctors had been wrong about the diagnosis. He had spirited Emily all over the world to get different opinions.

“I’m sorry to report that your wife has lung cancer.” He could hear it from each and every doctor at the same time. His world has crashed down around him. He was sure Emily went through her own hell as well. Harold tried to be there for her as much as he could. But honestly, for the first few weeks he had distanced himself from her. He was crying on his own, being by himself not comforting her at all.

Yet another time he had been shellfish. That was part of his personality he had wished he could have changed. But it had been there for years. His dad had instilled in him the attitude that whatever Harold wanted, he would get.

Perhaps it was because Harold’s mother had died when he was only 2 years old. Or maybe it was because his family was filthy rich and anytime he needed something he would ask his dad. Anytime he wanted something he would ask his grand dad. They both had spoiled him and made him who he was.

Harold liked himself. He had been told by many people in the past how much of an asshole he was though. They didn’t like his “holier than though attitude!” That’s how they would always say it too.

As he walked around he let his mind wonder back once more to the happier times with Emily. That first time he knew she was different. He thought back and wondered how he had known she was different. Well besides the fact she had told him she knew who he was and she didn’t care. That had been the first time he had ever heard that when someone found out who he was.

He became quite interested in her. Harold found out everything he could about her, from other people. He learned her name was Emily Sands and she was just a girl. Not related to anyone important, not even rich. As he learned more and more about her he became even more interested.

Finally he had found her again and tried to woo her. He worked hard on that too. He wanted this girl who didn’t care about his money at all. When she finally agreed to their first date she paid for her dinner. Harold wanted to tell her right then and there that he loved her.

He wasn’t stupid he knew there was more than just her attitude that he loved. While they got to know each other he opened up to her completely. She accepted him for who he was and loved him anyway.

Harold found out that sharing his money with someone he really loved wasn’t hard to do at all. He loved everything about Emily. It had taken him a full 2 years of dating her to get her to agree to marry him.

His father was still alive for a year after Emily and he got married. She had helped him through the loss of his father. She had been there to let him cry on her shoulder and hadn’t judged her for the tears she had seen falling on his face.

“Mr. Washington I’d like you to meet the organizer of this event.” Jack grabbed his attention.

Harold looked at the dark complexion of the lady he was being introduced to.

“This is Sandra Sims. She’s my sister as well as the person who set up this amazing event.” Jack smiled proudly.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Washington, and thank you so much for agreeing to come to our event.” Sandra shook his hand.

He smelled a gold digger in her. “It’s nice to meet you as well Ms. Sims.” He shook her hand but wanted to get away from her quickly.

Harold didn’t notice the look that flashed across her face. Had he known he might have been aware of his misjudgment? In his mind he avoided her the rest of the night. He didn’t even realize that she never once approached him again.

Chapter 3

“Are you kidding me? You got Harold Washington to agree to coming to the charity event tonight?” Sandra Sims screamed in the ear of her brother. He had just called her to tell her the most important man in the area was coming to her event!

She was so happy the rest of the day flew by. She was hoping that this meant the charity would get a huge boost by his name being attached to the event. Though it was a little late to use it as much of a draw, if she had known this just a week ago she would have run with it. Other businesses would have pledged money just because of it.