Page 21 of New York Rain

The doctors saw the look of honesty in his eyes and knew he wasn’t kidding. They had backed off and at least he knew Emily had a little relief for her pain.

“No I’ll never find another love like that ever again.” Harold was sad at this realization because he would love to have that happiness in his life once again. This is why Harold had started dating again recently.

He hadn’t known where to go at first. Well who was he kidding this would be his second time out tonight. That’s why he was checking his appearance in the mirror right now. Looking closely in the mirror he saw the first hints of gray showing on his dark black hair. He checked himself out, “You’re a decent look guy Harold, and you can find someone.” He tried to cheer himself up.

“I don’t want to find a gold digging bitch though.” He said out loud. This was his greatest fear with going out again. That’s why he had waited a year in between his two outings now. He sighed as his mind went back searching for Emily.

He had known he loved her from the first time he had seen her. It was his first year at college; almost everyone on the campus knew his last name. Hell how could they not his family owned most of the state of California. If he didn’t have such a distance for the gold diggers he could have a date any night of the week he wanted.

Emily had been different though. She hadn’t even batted an eye when he walked in; the other girls in the group seemed to sense him. But there was the one girl who didn’t turn. He had noticed it right away. He had a keen observation on gold diggers.

“Hi my name’s Harold Wa.” He had gone to introduce himself to her, making sure he let her know his last name.

She had cut him off with a quick look. “I know who you are and I don’t honestly care.” She had said and turned back to the conversation he had rudely interrupted.

Harold didn’t care the guy she was talking to was someone who would barely qualify to clean his car. She was a beautiful woman; he saw her face and was lost in it instantly. It was the look she had given him that had capped the deal.

He could remember her shorter brown hair. It hung just below her ear lobes. She had just a little bit of make-up on and a faint lipstick. Emily had been beautiful. When the cancer had struck her the first thing she cried about was how it would affect her looks.

“We’ll get you wigs, no one will know about the hair.” Harold had told her.

“They’ll know Harold you know they will.” She had cried on his shoulder.

“Even if they do they won’t say a word or act funny around you. I’ll make sure of that.” Harold had promised. He was true to his word too. A few of the staff who Emily had heard over talking about how “she has no hair”, where the exact words she had told him. Harold had fired them. In all reality he had been mad enough to kill them. But they weren’t worth going to jail over. Even though he had money, he knew there were limitations to what he could ask for with it.

Now here he sat fighting with himself on whether he should go out or not. He wanted to; however, he didn’t want to go to this charity thing. It had been his CEO for one of the companies he owned who had suggested the night out.

“I’d rather sit here and think about Emily instead.” He said to himself. But Harold had never been the type that would stand up a person. If he had promised he would go, he had to go. It was part of his own principles.

“Fuck it.” He said, and looked in the mirror combing his hair into place. Looking once again at the few grays that were coming in on the sides, he thought it made him look more handsome.

He rubbed his face to see if he wanted to shave or not. He liked the little bit of stubble that had grown on his face the past few days. It added a new dimension to him. Harold finally finished off his look with a quick spray of Polo cologne.

Chapter 2

The charity had the feel of a carnival when they walked in. Harold was a fan of the old time carnival’s so maybe this night wouldn’t be as bad as he had thought.

“Different type of theme isn’t it?” Jack Sim the CEO who had invited turned to Harold and said.

“Yeah it is I think I like it a lot!” Harold admitted. He decided to let himself relax for the night and have some fun.