“Pop?” She said on her cell phone. “It’s Julia. Yeah, I know, who else. We’ve finished studying,” she winked my way, “but Elliott wants to take me to a restaurant while we’re in Charleston. Is that okay? Uh, huh. Uh, huh. Uh, huh. Around eleven, dad. Okay. See you then. Love you too.”

She hung up and smiled at me.

“Done,” she said. “Should you call your folks?”

“No, I told them I’d be home late, but before curfew and they waved me off.”

“Cool. Well, where to? I’m starving. You wore me out Mr.Gray,” she said with another wink.

“What’s your favorite food Jules?”

“On the count of three,” she teased. “One, two, three....”

“Italian,” we said in unison, then laughed until we almost spilled onto the ground.

“You’re so fun,” she said.

“No. You’re so fun.”

“Where to eat?” She asked, clasping her hands together.

“Excuse me?” I asked a local walking by, “The best place to get Italian?”

“Oh. Yeah. Fazio’s on Bullitt. It’s about five minutes northeast from here,” he said pointing in the direction of Fazio’s. “Just follow Capitol to Smith Street, take a left. Right on Court, left on Piedmont, tight on Bullitt. Fazio’s is on your right.”

I thanked him and dragged Jules to the truck. I threw her into the passenger seat and playfully leaned over her to put her seat belt on for her and kept my face close to hers.

“Comfortable miss Jacobs?”

“Yes, very,” she breathed deeply.

I kept my hand on hers and caught my breathe when I felt things I’d never thought I could share with someone let alone feel. I moved my face close to hers and our breaths washed warmly against each other’s cheeks. I just stared as she bit her bottom lip.

“Oh my God Jules.” I breathed deeply. “You have to stop doing that.”

I leaned my forehead against hers and closed my eyes.

“Stop doing what?” She exhaled with feeling.

Honeysuckle and orange swam through my head. I grabbed her face without thinking and kissed her mouth so severely it pinned her to the seat. A low hum from the bottom of her throat escaped her lips and sent me spiraling out of control. Blackness surrounded us, only our spark to help guide our movements. She sucked in a breath and kissed me back fiercely only to force ourselves to pull away when it started to get beyond our control.

“Oh Lord, Jules. I’m scared.”


“All I’m going to be able to think about is kissing you from this moment on.” I dragged my hand over my mouth and down my chin. “We’re in trouble.”

She giggled.

“I’m serious Jules. I’m in the worst trouble of my life right now.”

“No, you’re not. We’ll be able to restrain ourselves.”

I paused and smiled, showing every tooth.

“Not right now though, right?”

“Not right now,” she grinned.