I grabbed her face once more, desperate to get my fill of her. I had taken my first hit of Jules only a few hours before and had already swiftly become a junkie. Addicted.

Eventually, she had to remind me of our plans. I forced myself from her, shut her door, and walked over to the driver’s side. I placed one hand on the roof to steady myself and let the other lie still on the handle of the door. I took three deep breaths trying to cleanse Jules’ intoxicating high from my brain. I got into the truck, buckled myself in and stared straight ahead, placing both my hands on the steering wheel. My knuckles turned white from the self-induced deprivation of trying to fight the bubbling need to grab her.

My keys were in the pocket of my jeans but I was too afraid to remove my hand from its grip to retrieve them. I knew if I did it that I'd just end up attacking Jules.

“Jules?” I swallowed.

“Yes love?”

I tried to stabilize my breathing.

“I’ll be right back. Sit tight.”

“Okay? You alright?”

“I will be, “I said, peeling my hands from the wheel and stepping from the cab.

I closed the door and walked a few feet away and started to pace. I made sure not to look in Jules’ direction. No eye contact. Breathe. Just breathe, I told myself. I heard Jules get out and close her door. I held two fingers up to stay her at the front of the truck, purposely averting my eyes.

“Please Jules. Stay there.”

“I can’t.”

“Why?” I looked up at her and caught her gaze. She was just as hungry for me as I was for her. I inhaled a painful breath. She bit her bottom lip and I knew then that she had no idea how that tortured me, otherwise she never would have done it.

“I can’t,” she said and rushed over to me.

I grabbed her face and brought it close to mine.

“We are in trouble aren’t we?”


“We’re going to need a plan Jules.”

“I know,” she gulped.

“I’m kind of panicking here.”

“It doesn’t help that I’m touching you. I think I need to let go of you Elliott.”

I released her but our natural pull was an agonizing thing to fight. I needed to take charge before all heck broke loose.

“Okay, get in the car. Strap yourself in. Tight. And I’ll do the same. We’ll go to dinner and take it easy. I think it will help being somewhere other people are. Think we can we can survive the drive?” She nodded then crookedly bit her bottom lip.

“Gosh damn it Jules!”

She jumped.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry but you have to stop biting your bottom lip. You have no idea what that does to me!”

“Sorry,” she said sheepishly.

She unknowingly bit her bottom lip out of habit.

“Jules!” I yelled.

“Sorry,” she burst out laughing. “It’s a habit.”