“I said, I think I figured out the theme I am going to write about for Mrs. Kitt’s book report due next month.”

“Oh,” she swallowed hard. “I think I’ve got a theme too. What are you going to write about?”

“Oh no. I can’t say. I wouldn’t feel right showing it to you. It’s too soon to reveal such intimate things to one another. Don’t you think?”

“Okay?” She said, furrowing her eyebrows. “You don’t have to. I guess.”

She raised her beautiful nose from George Orwell and turned her body toward mine.

“Why are you acting so weird?” She asked, suspicious.

Mrs. Kitt saved me from revealing too much when she began class.

As we walked to lunch, I grabbed Jules’ hand and revealed a little secret of my own but didn’t let on that I knew that she knew.

“What do you say I take you on a proper date tomorrow Jules?”

“Sh, sure babe.”

She swallowed hard from the reveal, but kept her mouth shut.

“Where?” She asked.

“I was thinking the Kanawha Library in Charleston to work on our paper and if it’s not too late maybe dinner?”

“That sounds perfect actually.”

“It’s a date then.”

The rest of the school day was pretty much a waiting game until I saw her again. I had come up with a plan to get her to come to the game. In French, I tore a sheet of paper out of my notepad, wrote ‘If you loved me, you’ll be there tonight’ and folded it into quarters. I wasn’t sure if she’d get it but I had never hoped for something so much.

After school, I met her at her locker and while she piled books into her bag I snuck the note in its front pocket. When she seemed to have gotten everything she needed, I grabbed her velvety hand and we walked side by side, laughing and joking ignoring every prying eye that shot our direction. I opened the double doors that led to the parking lot and I noticed from the corner of my eye an out of place group that lingered near Taylor Williams’ car. Taylor Williams, Marisa Hartford, and Jesse Thomas. All three were gathered around Taylor’s open driver’s side door talking and laughing. At first, I thought it might be nothing but when we passed by and I waved at Jesse each became quiet and went their separate ways. Jesse nodded his hello.

“That was weird,” Jules said.

“Hmm,” was all I could reply, narrowing my stare on Jesse.

I drove Jules home and walked her to her door before hugging her goodbye. It wasn’t a little hug either. It was a big bear of a hug. I squeezed the air from her lungs and lifted her feet from the porch. I left her as breathless as if I had kissed her. I got into my truck and turned the key, hoping she would check her bag before seven o’clock because that’s when the game started. I drove away with her standing bewildered at the door, staring in my direction, her keys still in hand and her hair mussed about her face.


“Okay, I’m staring at your lips and that makes me feel a need to kiss you.”

I had an overwhelming want to press my lips to hers and involuntarily leaned forward but she backed away.

“No, no. Try not to share the feeling.” She laughed. “I know it’s hard but just try to figure out the way it tastes and feels first. Here, let me try an easier one.”

She placed her hand back onto my throat and closed her eyes.

“Okay, I’m thinking about my little art studio at the house and that makes me feel....”

“Happy,” I said. “You’re feeling very happy and inspired.”

“Right! What did it taste like?

“Like chocolate and wine?”

We both laughed.