“Is that what it tastes like to you?” I asked.

“No, your happiness tastes like pumpkin pie.” She smiled.

“This is so weird. I don’t even know how I know that it was happiness. I went with my instincts.”

“Okay, let’s try another.”

Just then Taylor Williams, who shared first period with Jules, walked past us with a look of disgust on her face before going into the classroom.

“You’re feeling smug........with a twinge of guilt?” I said, almost laughing.

Jules let her hand drop to her side and her cheeks burned a bright red.

“That was embarrassing.”

“Oh Jules, don’t be silly. It was a gut reaction and you immediately corrected yourself. I felt it. Now, let’s do another.”

I picked up her hand and placed it back around my throat.

“I like this game,” I said.

She smiled, stared at me for a moment, then let her hand slide to the back of my neck.

“Okay, now I’m thinking....”

She pulled her hand away at lightning speed.

“Wait,” I said, confused. “What was that?”

She turned her head away and clenched her hands into fists. I pushed her back into the tiled wall and pinned both of my arms beside her to keep her from fleeing.

“You know,” she said, breathing deeply, “I think that’s enough for one day. You’ve been an excellent student. The bell is about to ring. See you next period.”

She ducked underneath my arm, too quick to catch. I waved at her inside the classroom and went to History with Coach Miles. It was a game day and he usually just played a movie. I loved that because it was going to give me time to think about the emotion Jules was trying to hide from me. I was still racking my brain trying to figure it out when I sat at my desk next to Jesse.

“Hey,” I said, distracted.

“Hey,” he said sarcastically. “Care to explain why your arm was around Julia Jacobs back there in the hallway?”


He crossed his arms smugly around his torso.

“Please tell me she’s nothing more than a tiny distraction right now, a bug to get out of your system.”

“What? Why would you say that? Do I look like the ‘tiny distraction’ type to you? Where in my past behavior have I ever given you reason to think that about me?”

“I don’t know Gray. I guess I’m just hoping is all. You have no idea what you’re doing do you? I mean, jeez Gray! She’s freakin’ Julia Jacobs. She should be a stepping stone on your way to Taylor Williams.”

My blood was beginning to boil.

“Jesse, I find it so hilarious that you’re suddenly so interested in my dating. It’s also fascinating that you are equally as interested in who I date. Your opinions are comical because, last time I checked, you aren’t even this picky for yourself. Why are you so hell bent on my dating Taylor Williams anyway? If you like her so much why don’t you date her?:”

“She’s too yippy for me,” he amended and waved me off.

“Oh, and I enjoy yippy so much, right? Give me a break. I’ve never said a word about the girls you date and I’d appreciate the same courtesy dude.”

“Fine,” he said through clenched teeth. “You’ll see though. It won’t last.”