Jules didn’t like talking about the night at Blackwater Falls. I didn’t blame her and didn’t want to push her, but I wanted to make sure she was moving on in a healthy way so I would periodically bring it up to her. ‘Healing’ was a better answer than the shrug she had given me last time. It was progress so I dropped it at that.

“Jules?” I asked

“Hmm?” she answered, her eyes staring at the trees along the road, distracted by her thoughts.

“We’re here, love.”

“Oh,” she laughed, clicking the buckle of her seat belt, “sorry.”

I helped her from the truck and carried her basket for her.

It had snowed the night before and had laid an even thicker blanket for us to trudge through. I didn’t mind because it added to the experience. The snowy carpet shone like hidden diamonds in the moonlight. The perfect backdrop for what was to be a lovely night.

It was around ten at night and our parents gave us both permission to stay “at the rock bridge only” until at least two-thirty in the morning. That was pretty generous of them and we happily agreed to keep to the confines of our marble slab. I guess they figured it’d be too cold for clothing to be removed and they trusted us when we said we would stay put.

Jules’ dad had talked to me, last year before Thanksgiving, go figure, about the importance of his daughter staying as she was and I could, in all honesty, look him straight in the eye and agree to keep it that way.

He told me that he might end up liking me after all if I could be man enough to endure the conversation and still look him in the eye afterwards. Though I honestly meant what I said when I agreed to keep her that way, it didn’t change the fact that I was still shivering in my boots when I left that night back to my own home.

The talk sure did make coming around Jules’ house a lot easier. He even trusted us to be alone in their house as long as we promised to stay away from the bedrooms. It wasn’t unheard of for them to come home and find us sprawled out on the living room floor doing homework, or sitting and watching television alone.

When we watched TV, we snuggled pretty closely together but when we heard that key jingle it was our cue to sit up and slightly far apart. That was about as bad as we got, not because I promised her father but because I loved her, so completely and so whole-heartedly. I couldn’t bear to think of taking something that didn’t truly belong to me yet.

Our boots crushed through the knee deep snow and we listened quietly to the rhythm of our own feet. The air still smelled like winter and the sky was a deep, dark blue and freckled with sparkling diamond-like stars.

Occasionally, we heard a few animals here and there scratching, already awake from their winter’s nap. It had been over two months since we had been to the rock bridge and it was surely the sweetest sight for the sorest eyes. I peeked over at Jules with the largest grin on my face and saw her eyes glistening with happiness and a smile that melted my heart into a puddle at my feet.

“You’re so beautiful,” I blurted out.

Her eyes widened and then narrowed at the unexpected compliment. I had, for once, caught Julia Jacobs off guard. I laughed at her and she kissed my cheek before I took her by the waist and set her on the rock.

She spread out the thick blanket and sat down next to the basket. She wriggled herself closer and began to remove everything she’d brought. In several porcelain dishes sat fried chicken, creamed corn, mashed potatoes and biscuits the size of my hand.

“What? Is that what I think it is?”

“Yes it is. My mom went to Babe’s for me in Roanoke and Mary Beth had everything ready to go. She got home right before you picked me up, just in the nick of time. I was afraid we’d have to wait for her to get home and my surprise would have been ruined.”

“You know me so well.”

“The way to your heart Elliott Gray is through your stomach,” she laughed.

“Speaking of surprises, sweetheart,” I said, taking the plate she made for me. “I got you something.”

“Got me something?”

“Well, I had something made for you.”

I pulled a blue velvet bag from my coat pocket and handed it to her.

“I can tell by your facial expression that I’ve caught you off guard. That’s twice in one night missus, you’re losing your touch.”

Jules stuck her hand in the bag and pulled out a white gold three dimensional clasp bangle.

“I had the jewelry maker place raised ranunculus around the top of the cuff. Do you like it?”

Tears spilled from the corners of her eyes.

“They’re my favorite flower,” she said.