“I know.”

“This is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen Elliott. It’s just so....so....”


“Yes,” she giggled, through watery eyes. “Very me. Thank you my love.”

She reached for me and hugged my neck tightly.

“Thank you,” she said in a gasp of air, trying to control her emotions.

“But there’s more,” I whispered into her hair. “Yes. Here, let me put it on you.”

I grabbed her small wrist and clasped the bangle together and a sharp intake of breath passed through her lips.

“I discovered something while you were in Mauch Chunk Jules. I was researching surveillance cameras online and needed a pen to write down the models. Anyway, I reached for a pen, the same pen you used to finish your homework a few day before you left, and felt you. A miniature blast of Julia shot up my arm and thrummed through my heart.

“Apparently we can store our current. That pen was a gift from my grandfather to my father and was pure gold. We never noticed it before because I think it can only be stored within gold. So I experimented. I had this made for you and slept with it in my hands for several days. The current can only survive for a few days but it can be recharged.”

“That’s amazing,” she said. “Can we get you one?”

“Ranunculus aren’t a good look for me.”

“Shut up,” she laughed. “You know what I mean.”

“Already done.”

I raised my arm and showed her a leather cuff wrapped around my right wrist. I removed the cuff and showed her that I had a small plate of gold sewed on the inside of the cuff right over the pulse point. Also, I never showed her this, but I had the initials JG, for Julia Gray, etched underneath that plate out of sight on the cuff side. It was a few months premature but I didn’t care. I handed her the cuff and she instinctively tucked it into the hem of her jeans, the gold against the skin of her hip so it could ‘charge’.

I grabbed her face in my hands and kissed her puckered lips.

“I love you Julia Jacobs.”

“And I love you Elliott Gray.”

“I need to tell you something Jules.”

“What’s that sweets?”

“You know that I love you but I don’t think I’ve ever really told you how I love you.”

“Go on.”

I kept her face in my palms, so she could feel my words.

“Did you know that my heart beats from my chest every single time I am close to you? Every time I am in the same vicinity? That each time I witness your chest rise and fall with breath I am grateful beyond belief? That you are everything a person, a woman, should be and that your heart and soul are as pristine as the clean bright glow of your eyes? And that I have never wanted to protect someone so much in my entire life?

“You’ve struck me in ways I didn’t know possible Jules.” I grinned from ear to ear. “I’m happy that you are blind to my faults and even happier that you love me as much as I love you. I can say with absolute certainty that you are the only person in this world that deserves the moon, the ocean and the stars. You are the only exception. You deserve them and if it takes me our entire lives to give them to you I won’t settle until they are yours.”

Then I kissed her softly.

Tears welled in her eyes and she spoke softly into my ear, “When we were small, I remember playing on this very rock bridge. It seems funny now, looking back, I can see just how steeped we were in our destiny even then, unaware of the dormant gift that lay beneath our own skin.

“The first few months we were re-discovering who we were to one another and I often wondered what God had been waiting for when I could have known you as this Elliott all those years, saddened by all the missed love, but as I’d gotten to know you all over again, I uncovered why.

“Time. Time was what He needed to design us as individuals, to sketch us to compliment the other Elliott, as a perfect combination of souls and only time will tell what we are fated to do with it. We are destined for greatness Elliott Gray.

“I can feel it.”