“That’s what I thought,” he said, running his fingers through my hair again and again, tainting me with his vileness. He turned me around, his jaw tight, and ran his right hand up my arm until his fingers found my face. He pinched my jaw between his thumb and index finger.

Leaning into my ear he said, “I’ve wanted you for a very, very long time Julia.” He bit my ear and I shrieked at the unexpected pain. “Here, let me take care of this uncomfortable tape for you.”

Before I could brace myself, he unraveled the tape harshly from my face and it pulled my hair and skin so roughly I could feel blood trickling down my face and neck. I refused to cry.

“No tears?” He asked, bewildered. “But there’s blood Julia. I’m sure that had to hurt.” He turned my face from side to side, inspecting his handiwork. “Hmm. Oh, I see.” He chuckled. “You’re trying to be brave. Foolish girl. Now I know your threshold and I’ll be sure to inflict enough to bring the reaction I want. You would have been smarter to feign your tolerance for pain.”

I watched as he flipped the broad side of the blade of his knife to rest in his palm. He squeezed his hand together and I saw blood begin to trickle down his forearm and onto the floor. When he had a decent amount of blood in his hand, he raised the palm of his hand and ran slippery digits down my throat and the back of my neck. It was warm and the tangy bitterness made my head spin.

“There, now we are as one Julia.”

He leaned in closer to me and ran the tip of his tongue across the surface where our blood mixed together.

“We taste incredible,” he winked. “Salty.”

My eyes watered but I refused to let one slip as he watched in hopeful anticipation, his eyebrows furrowed and lips curled around an evil smile. When I didn’t give him what he wanted he just laughed and dragged me towards the fireplace.

“Sit,” he said, and guided me to the floor.

I sat with my back against the sofa. He threw wood into the hearth and started the gas before lighting the flame.

“Wouldn’t want you to get sick now would we pet? Especially since you’re in need of getting out of those cold, wet clothes.”

I was afraid to use my voice, but I had a few choice words standing by.

“Stand,” he said and positioned himself above me. I obeyed. “Turn around.” I did.

He untied my hands and repositioned me so I was facing him again. “Undress.”

“No,” I said, finding my voice.

“Let me set some ground rules for you puppet. When I say ‘jump’, you say ‘how high Jesse?’. Got it? If you refuse me anything, I will make it so difficult for you to breathe you’ll beg me for death. Understand?”

I nodded my response.

“Undress,” he repeated.

I removed all my clothing except for my underwear and bra and held the wet clothes against my body.

“Walk into the laundry room.” I did. “Put your clothes in the dryer and start it. I need to get out of here fast but I can’t have you dying of hypothermia before I get to do my thing.” I did as I was told and covered myself the best I could with my hands and arms. “Go stand by the fire.”

He followed me back to the living room and I stood with my back to the fire, facing him. He sat on the couch, playing with his knife, flipping it open and closed repeatedly, staring off into nothing.

He did this for what seemed like a very long time before his eyes met mine again, “Come here,” he smiled.

My hands shook as I approached him. Knowing he’d demand it, I made the decision to position my feet mere inches from his before folding my arms across my chest. He laughed.

“You’re learning pet. Would you like to hear my plans for you?”

I refused to acknowledge him.

“After your clothes are dry, I plan on taking you to my cave behind the falls. You’ll like it.” Flip, flip, flip. “Well hidden,” he winked. “That’s right, can’t hear a thing through the rushing water. Not a thing. Your bodies won’t be found for weeks, months, maybe even years.”

I swallowed. Bodies? Are there more like me?

“So,” he continued, “just as soon as they’re dry. We’ll head over there. I’ll make a comfy little fire and start experimenting on you before Elliott finds us.”

My eyes widened in fear.