“That’s right. He knows about it. It might take him a little while to find it because he’s never been there before, but I’m sure we can think of something to pass the time. Don’t you?”

He stood slowly and towered over me, his chest heaving with each breath. He continued the flip of his knife but lost control of it and it toppled to the ground but before he had an opportunity to reach for it, I grabbed it and backed across the room.

“Don’t come any closer!” I yelled, but it did no good.

He charged me at full speed and I did the only thing I could, I sliced at his arms so I could attempt at a stab. First the left and I made contact slicing close to bone, then the right but missed, then I tried the left once more and it cut but not as deeply as the first time.

He overpowered me and I kicked and punched, bit and pulled at his hair, but it was of no use. He slammed me into the ground, took the knife from me and pressed the sharp blade against my neck. It cut and the blood began to pool onto the floor beneath me.

“Please,” I begged.


He seemed amused.

“I’ll do anything, j..just don’t kill me.”



He sat up and straddled my legs, taking the knife, he licked the blood off the blade.

“Okay, I promise not to kill you on one condition.”

“Wh...what..d...d...do you want?”

“Hold still.”

He took the blade and brought it to my chest, right below my left collarbone. I flinched and tried to crawl away.

“Ah, ah, ahhh. We had a deal Julia. You let me do this and I won’t kill you. I p..p...promise,” he laughed. “Hold still,” he commanded and pinned my hands with his knees to the hard pine floor. “Now where was I?”

He placed the blade in the exact same spot and began to slice a two inch line. I yelled in pain but he just drew the blade over the wound over and over until it was deep enough for him. I gritted my teeth by the third turn and braced myself to pass out.

“I’ll give you a moment. You see, I have three more lines to do.”

I almost burst into tears but an image of Elliott laying unconscious on a hospital bed with his jaw wired shut came to mind and I steeled myself, for him.

When he finished all four lines, he picked his body weight up from my legs and brought me to my feet. I shuddered when forced to lean against him because my knees threatened to buckle beneath me.

Once I had steady enough footing he steered me into his parents’ room to the mirror in the bathroom. When I saw myself I almost fainted. I was drenched in blood, his and mine, mostly mine. I was afraid to look at what he had carved into my chest but he shouted for me to open my eyes and I met my body’s image. I focused on the damage he’d done. My eyes zeroed in on his artwork. Right underneath my left collarbone, carved in the flesh, was the letter ‘E’.

“You’ll take him to the grave with you Julia,” he said, bringing his hand to the ‘E’ from over my shoulder and pressing the raw wound, causing even more blood to stream down my skin and soak through my bra. I shouted at the agony of it but the tears never came.

I didn’t know if he meant Elliott’s initial or if he literally meant Elliott himself, but I didn’t want to find out, to be honest. I only wanted Elliott never to come anywhere near us. He was my everything and didn’t deserve to see me like this. I looked like death warmed over. My hair was plastered to my skin from all the blood and the E was bleeding profusely all over the floor and counter top.

“Enough,” he said before tearing me through the bedroom and into the laundry room. He made me grab my now dry clothes from the dryer and put them back on. My ‘E’ bled through my shirt, soaked into my clothing and dripped into my jeans.

He pushed me from the laundry room and tossed me onto the pine planks of the living room. He tied me once more but didn’t tape my mouth shut, for which I was grateful, but it didn’t last long because he went into the bedroom and I heard the tearing of some fabric. He came out with strips of what looked like a sheet and gagged me by tying it tight behind my ahead and across my mouth. I could barely breathe.

“I’ll be back Julia. Just need to take care of these knife wounds. Can’t very well flee West Virginia if I’m bleeding a trailed path that leads to my hiding place, can I? Leaves a nasty trail. I’ll have enough trouble as it is hiding yours.”

He turned for his parents’ bathroom, dripping life over every inch of the floor, painting glassy crimson proof of the promise of my own impending trail. I turned from my side to my back and quietly sobbed, praying that I could stop the salt water flow before he got out of his shower.

Please, I silently prayed, Please God, let my death be a peaceful one.

Chapter Ten