“Oh my God, thank you, Jason,” I said hugging him in a moment of unprecedented girliness. Jason was genuinely surprised and I felt a little embarrassed, my neck turning beet red.

“It’s cool. I want you at this address,” he said, handing me a business card, “in two weeks. It doesn’t pay shit but neither does scouting, just ask Tom here.” He smiled but the smile fell when we looked on Tom. “Uh, anyway, it’s worth it. You’ve got an in with the execs and if you play your cards right, you can make some pretty decent cheese in time. Plus, it’s a cool gig for musicians like yourself.”

“So awesome. Thank you, Jason. I’m stoked.”

I shook Jason’s hand excitedly and told him I’d see him in New York in two weeks. I didn’t even acknowledge Tom, turned and headed for the stage and let the crowd swallow me up, but somehow I felt Tom’s stare, heavy and hot on the back of my neck and I clenched my hands.

Don’t turn around. Don’t turn around.

I turned around and there he stood, his eyes practically undressing me and I shivered from his hard stare. What do you want me from me? I begged him silently. I wanted him, this stranger, to want me as badly as I wanted him. I wanted him to part the crowd around me, scoop me up and drag me back to his car. I wanted his hands on my neck, my hair, my back, my body. I wanted his lips on mine. I wanted him with a fierceness I didn’t find ladylike. I also wanted to sock him in the throat. What is happening to me!

His labored breath was visible from the twenty feet away I stood from him and when he was done perusing my body, he turned away in obvious disgust. Gah! My body shivered in reaction to his scrutiny. Even his stare set me on fire. What is wrong with me?

I shook my head and turned to meet The Belle Jar backstage. It didn’t matter. In two weeks, I’d be living in Jersey with Grandma Betty and commuting back and forth to the city that never sleeps and as far away from this guy as I could get.

New York City, here I come.

Chapter Two

Something You Misplaced

Six months later....


Jason signed The Belle Jar almost immediately which made me unusually happy, but that wasn’t because I felt guilty about screwing over their friend, January. No, it was because they were a genuinely talented band and they were going to make the label millions, therefore making me indispensable. It wasn’t because I thought about the kiss I’d shared with January more than I thought about Kelly lately or that I found January to be the hottest chick I’d ever seen. No, it was for the band. The band.

Even if I was into January, which I’m not saying I was, because she was a virtual stranger, she was over seventeen-hundred miles away in New York City, ironically trading places with the old me it seemed. Jason talked about her nonstop, which made me extraordinarily uncomfortable. He teased me incessantly about how she turned me down and about how she blew through the label like a perfumed tornado when she arrived, impressing everyone and solidifying her as a label necessity. Oh, and that apparently she was dating the guy who delivered everyone’s mail? Seriously, January? That guy doesn’t even shower!

A year into Austin, Jason rung me to tell me to pack my bags. The Belle Jar’s debut CD, Pick Your Poison, Miss Smith went platinum and the label was throwing a party. Also, he said I wouldn’t be coming back to Austin. Supposedly, I’d impressed Seven with my recent picks lately and they were sending me overseas. Dude, I was incredibly pumped and couldn’t believe my luck. It was a dream come true for me. Now, if I can just endure Kelly’s presence, just long enough to hop a plane over the Big Blue and leave her memory behind. Yeah, you’re running from Kelly, dude. Kelly.

“Oh, God,” I said under my breath as I picked up my luggage at the carousel and began the descent down the long corridor to catch a cab.

At the end, near the doors, stood Cherry, Charlie, Callum, Harper, and the rest of the gang, including Jason. Just to the right stood a bouncing Kelly on the arm of Carter. My stomach plummeted but not at the sight of Kelly, which shocked the hell out of me. No, it was because my eyes kept searching behind Jason for January, of all freaking people. January!

Marty held up a huge sign that read, “Mister Thomas Eriksson, Big Shot and All Around Badass.” I dropped my bags and held out my arms. She ran to me and I picked her up, spinning her around, before setting her down and hugging all of my extended family.

“Love the sign, M,” I told her, squeezing her shoulders.

“You’re welcome.”

“So, my place or yours?” I asked everyone, inciting a cheer.

“Ours,” Charlie said, gesturing to Cherry, as we all began to fall out the door, chatting amongst ourselves, excited and full of mischief.

“How’ve things been around here?” I asked for the millionth time that week when Jason and I got a few feet ahead of everyone.

“Dude, you keep asking me that and I told you, everything’s cool. Is there something in particular you’re worried about? Because Europe is a done deal, my friend. I’ve got your tickets all ready in my office. Chill.” He eyed me warily before it dawned on him. “Oh, shit! It’s the girl, isn’t it?”

“What girl?” I feigned...badly.

“You’ve still got it for January MacLochlainn, don’t you? She is hot as shit, Tom, but what about the one responsible for this wardrobe malfunction you’ve got going on?” he teased. I peered over my shoulder at Kelly, surprised that I sort of forgot she was behind us. Jason looked as well and nodded discretely. “Ah, I see.”

“No, it’s not like that anymore.” I shook my head in disbelief at that revelation. “I guess I just needed time.”

“Then, what, dude? I’m confused. You’ve been in my business hardcore lately and I’m curious as shit.”

I sighed deeply. “It’s nothing, man, really. I’m at a crossroads in my life, I guess. I’ve got this, though.” I grinned. “Come on,” I said, wrapping my arm around his neck and nudging his head. “Let’s go get shit-faced.”