
The reason I’d been harassing Jason, it seemed, though I wasn’t aware of it until he’d enlightened me, was because I was fishing for information about January. There, I said it. I wanted to know more about this girl, the girl who infected my thoughts with the insane kiss she also polluted my dreams with. I convinced myself that she wasn’t as beautiful as I imagined her to be, that she wasn’t as sexy as I conjured her up to be. I knew then that I’d have to visit the label, and soon, to see for myself. Remind myself that she didn’t affect me as much I thought she did, that I dreamed her up to help me get over Kelly. I was grateful for that little fact but needed to free all ties to her . I was ready to move on.

Then I remembered she’d probably be at The Belle Jar’s Platinum Party the following night. In the car ride to Charlie’s, I sat quietly staring out the window. It felt so good to be home again, but it wasn’t too long before I began to wonder what she’d wear to this party, if she’d wear her long dark brown hair up or down, if her ears were pierced or not, whether she was still dating the mail guy. Get a grip, Thomas! I ran a hand down the front of my face before turning my attention to the car conversation.

I thought my distracted mind escaped the notice of all but when I caught Cherry’s gaze, I knew she saw right through me. She narrowed her eyes at me.

“Callum, baby, switch places with me,” she said.

Callum kissed his wife deeply, making me think about January again, before moving to shotgun.

“Spill, Tommy. What’s up with you? Aren’t you happy to be home?” she asked. She was the only one allowed to call me Tommy. I didn’t feel like I was ten years old the way Cherry said it.

“Of course, Cherry Bomb. I will never be able to be away from you guys for that long again,” I said honestly, hugging her close.

“Then why the long face, kemo sabe?”

Quick, think of something. “It feels bittersweet,” I said. Not a total lie. “I’m leaving for Europe in just a few weeks.”

“Oh, Tom, you’ll only be gone for the same. It’s okay,” she said, snuggling closely into my side. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and squeezed, happy to be near my friends again.

That night we all got sloshed on wine and good food. The group sat around telling stories of the shenanigans I’d missed since my last visit and I almost died laughing hearing them.

“This is a refreshing side,” Jason said to me as we both settled into chairs on Charlie’s patio.

“What do you mean?” I asked, my bottle resting on my knee.

“When you’re with these people,” he said, gesturing through the window, “you’re a different person, Tom.”

“I’m not,” I said, but even I knew that was a lie.

“Sure,” he answered. “So, I invited January tonight.”

“What?” I said, sitting up a bit, looking over my shoulder.

Jason smiled widely. “No, but I think I just figured out why you’ve been so effing crazy lately.”

I shook my head denying it before he’d even spoken another word.

He ignored me. “She’ll be at the party tomorrow, you know that?”

“I figured she’d be,” I said, trying to sound absent. I avoided eye contact. “She’s good friends with Casey Donigan.”

“Yeah, she is, but she’s also kind of responsible for the party arrangements. She practically did all the prep for it. She’s a cool chick.”

“That’s cool,” I said, trying to be that very word, but the curiosity was killing me. “So, uh,” I said taking a swig of beer, “is she still seeing that dude from the mailroom?” Smooth.

“No, actually, she’s free as a bird,” he said, borrowing a line from her the night I’d made a fool of myself.

“Oh, cool.”

“God, you idiot. Shall I just set a date at the church then because you’re clearly infatuated with her. Just bite the bullet, Tom. Damn, never thought I’d have to say that to you of all people.”

“Shut it, Jason.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he said, lifting up his six pack and heading for the window.

“Finally,” I said under my breath.