A ragged breath escapes his lips. He stares at me, nostrils flared, and I can see that he wants to argue. I can feel his abdominal muscles clench against my belly as he works through his emotions, his jaw grinding.

And then, finally, he nods. “Okay.”

“Okay?” I repeat, sure I’ve misheard because Valerian would never give in that easily.

“You’re right. You’re a grown ass adult”—his hands slide playfully to my rear—“and I can’t forbid you from doing anything, even if I think it’s a terrible decision. Eclipsa and I will increase your training, plus there will be more sessions trying to coax out your magic.”

The tension in my shoulders eases as I celebrate this small but important victory. It means that Valerian Sylverfrost is capable of compromise.

Huzzah. I feel like I should have a cake made or something.

“There’s something else,” I say. “Since I’m entering the gauntlet, I’m going to put in my application for the internship at Larkspur and Associates.”

His fingers resume their lazy strokes over my thighs, his silver eyes still dark with desire. “Of course you are. I didn’t expect otherwise.”

“So you’re not mad that I might miss fourth year?”

“Mad?” He shakes his head. “What kind of male do you think I am? Actually . . .” His full lips curl around the edges. “Considering how your new tactic is seducing me when you want something, yes. I’m furious, Summer. Now, how do you plan to change my mind?”

I chuckle, running my fingers through his hair. “I think we might melt this room if we go for round two.” thers share a look. They must decide that Mack is trustworthy because Asher turns to her and explains, “The Darken wanted to destroy the Seelie because they stood in his way.”

I run a finger over the rim of my water glass. “In his way for what?”

They share yet another tense look, and my appetite dies.

“My grandfather believed land was the key to power.” Valerian’s voice is low, as if the Darken might hear him. “His continuous wars for territory eventually made my court the most powerful in existence, but he wanted more.”

A shiver of cold snakes down my spine as Valerian’s gaze slides to me.

Oh, God. “The mortal lands,” I whisper.

Valerian nods. “The Seelie opposed his plan to dominate your world. Historically the Seelie Courts were more tolerant of mortals, and they already had an overabundance of mortal slaves without a war. So my grandfather decided to remove the final obstacle to his grand plans.”

“Oh my God,” Mack breathes through the fingers clamped over her mouth.

A lycan waiter enters with a pitcher of water, and Eclipsa sends him running with a glare.

She turns to me. “The Seelie Courts may have once opposed taking over your world, but now, with the scourge and the darklings destroying their own lands and no end in sight, some wouldn’t hesitate to bring the Darken back and finish the job.”

My hand shakes around my water glass as I bring it to my lips. The thought of what that could mean for our entire world . . .

I give up on my water and set the glass back down. “I have a plan.”

Everyone leans in as I explain the scheme I’ve been putting together in my mind since I left the Summer Queen’s law firm.

When I’m done, I recap. “So, essentially, during the final gauntlet held in the Spring Court, we’ll have access to the palace, including the vaults where Hellebore keeps everything he considers precious. It may be the only opportunity we have to search inside his home.”

Unless he gets his way and enslaves me, but I don’t say that.

Mack’s mouth gapes open. Asher and Eclipsa have gone disconcertingly still.

And Valerian—he’s staring at me as if I’ve lost my mind. “If you enter the final gauntlet, you would most likely die. Do you think any of us here would let you take that risk?”

I swallow, trying to keep a level head. “If we don’t, and Hellebore manages to raise the Darken, my world will never survive. Are you asking me to do nothing?”

“I’m asking you to think about the people here who care about you.”

This is not going as planned. At all. “I appreciate that, but you can’t ask me to stand by now that I know how to take Hellebore down.”