
A low growl vibrates his chest, and I fight to keep control of my senses as he suddenly drags me into his lap.

Abort! His kiss deepens, the words I had poised and ready sinking into oblivion, along with every thought in my head but how nice this is.

So very, very nice. Like the first bite of cookie dough ice cream I ever had. Granted, I emptied the entire carton in minutes and then licked the inside clean.

Licked. The word makes me think of Valerian’s tongue and all the things he can do with it.

The things he is doing with it right now.

Moaning, I melt into him, focusing on the absolute pleasure of my body pressed into his. His teeth playfully nipping my bottom lip. His tongue parting my mouth. Claiming me.

His hands stroke my back in slow, lazy circles, reminding me just how thin my dress is—and just how skilled his hands are.

Dangerous territory, Summer. Stop focusing on ice cream and tongues and refocus on your plan.

What was that again?

I squeak in protest as he lifts me by the hips and settles me so I’m straddling him in the chair. My dress rides up my waist, presenting large swaths of bare skin for his fingers to explore. The snowflakes fall heavier now, melting against my arms, my legs, painting me in iridescent flecks that smear beneath his touch.

His hands glide up my thighs, slowly, the pads of his thumbs grazing the sensitive inner portion.

When his thumbs flick at the edge of my panties, I gasp. My mind goes blank. Emptying of everything but those fingers as they tease and tease and—

My back arches violently as a puff of air erupts from my lips.

“Every male below us can sense your racing heartbeat,” he purrs. “Let’s see if we can give them a crescendo.”

He kisses me again, gentler now, as if I’m an exquisite chocolate to be savored one tiny bite at a time. Those thumbs tracing little circles in time with his tongue and my heart and . . .

Holy pixie dust, I want to devour him whole.

Right here. In a box of ice. Surrounded by shimmery snowflakes and wintry mountains cut out against the stars.

One of his hands slips into my hair, undoing the rhinestone pin holding it together and sending the tiny blue roses Ruby weaved around the base raining down over my bare shoulders.

Each one draws shivers over my aching flesh.

How did this backfire? My plan was to get his attention and then make him see my point. But Valerian is a drug, and I’m a shameless addict. Willing to sell everything—even my dignity, even my choice to be his mate—for just a taste.

And yet, I’ll never be mated to someone who doesn’t give me equal say in my life.

He growls as I jerk my head back, my lips swollen and covered in the taste of him—plum wine and juniper. His chest heaves in time with my racing heart.

“Valerian,” I whisper, but something about the way I say his name only excites him more. His eyes fix on my lips as his hand slips behind my head, his fingers gently twining in my loose hair.

Any moment he’ll press my aching lips back to his, kissing away the last of my willpower.

“Valerian, wait. This went further than I planned.”

“Do you have any idea what would happen to me if you were hurt?”

I shake my head. “You don’t get it. I refuse to be anything but your equal, Valerian Sylverfrost. And yes, I want it all. I want real, sappy love, the human kind. I want equal say in our relationship and my life without your alpha Fae bullshit. I want to be with you because you respect me, not because you think some stupid magical bond says I’m yours. I’m done being property of the Fae—and that includes you. So if that’s what you think our relationship is, then I’ll never be your mate.”

A muscle beneath his jaw feathers. “You’re asking me to be okay with you entering a contest that’s notorious for its brutality?”

“No, idiot. I’m asking you to let me decide my fate.” Hurt sparks inside his eyes, but he’s silent, letting me speak my truth. “I’m asking you to respect my decision and then train me to survive it. I’m asking you to acknowledge that I’m a grown ass adult who has the final say in my life.”