We still on for the w/end?

She texted back.

If u r free?

Jake grimaced as he thought of wandering around a wedding expo all weekend but he figured a man had to do what a man had to do.

He texted back.

I’m all yours.


JAZ WAS READY and waiting for Jake to come to her flat on Friday after work to pick her up. They had only communicated via text messages since yesterday. He had called a couple of times but she hadn’t answered or returned the calls. Not that he had left a voice mail message. She hadn’t realised how much she had been looking forward to hearing his voice until she checked her voice mail and found it annoyingly silent. Myles, on the other hand, had left several messages asking to meet with her to talk. They were each a variation on his earlier call where he’d told her Jake would never stick around long enough to cast a shadow.

The funny thing was Jake had cast a very long shadow. It was cast all over her life. She could barely recall a time when he hadn’t been in it. Ever since she was eight years old she had been a part of his life and he of hers. Even once their charade was over he would still be a part of her life. There would be no avoiding him, not with Julius and Holly’s wedding coming up, not to mention Miranda and Leandro’s a few months after. Jaz was going to be a bridesmaid at both. There would be other family gatherings to navigate: Christmas, Easter and birthdays. His mother Elisabetta was turning sixty next month in late November and there was no way either Jake or Jaz could ever do a no-show without causing hurt and the sort of drama everyone could do without.

The doorbell sounded and her heart gave a little flutter. Jake was fifteen minutes early. Did that mean he was looking forward to the weekend? Looking forward to being with her? She opened the door to find Myles standing there with a sheepish look on his face. ‘Myles...’ Jaz faltered. ‘Erm... I’m kind of busy right now.’

‘I have to talk to you,’ he said. ‘It’s important you hear it from me before you hear it from someone else.’

‘Hear what?’

‘I’m seeing someone else. It’s...serious.’

Jaz blinked. ‘How serious?’

‘I know it seems sudden but I’ve known her for ages. We were childhood friends. Do you remember me telling you about Sally Coombes?’

‘Yes, but—’

‘I wasn’t unfaithful to you, if that’s what you’re thinking,’ Myles said. ‘Not while we were officially together.’

Jaz hadn’t been thinking it, which was kind of weird, as she knew she probably should have been. All she could think was that she had to get rid of Myles before Jake got here, as she didn’t want Jake to end their ‘engagement’ before she attended the wedding expo. She couldn’t bear to go to it alone. Everyone would be taking photos and posting messages about her being so unlucky in love. Not a good look for a wedding designer. What would that do to her credibility? To her pride? People would find out eventually. She couldn’t hope to keep Jake acting as her fiancé indefinitely. But one weekend—maybe another couple of weeks—was surely not too much to ask? ‘But you’ve been calling and leaving all those messages,’ she said. ‘Why didn’t you say something then?’

‘I wanted to tell you in person,’ Myles said. ‘I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you, Jaz. But I’ve had my doubts about us for a while now. I guess that’s why I instigated the break. It was only when I caught up with Sally I realised why I was baulking. As soon as we started talking, I realised she was the one. We dated when we were younger. She was my first girlfriend and I was her first boyfriend. It’s like it’s meant to be. I hope you can understand and find it in yourself to forgive me for messing you around.’

‘I don’t know what to say...’ Jaz said. ‘Congratulations?’

Myles looked a little pained. ‘I want you to be happy. I really do. You’re a great girl. I care about you. That’s why I’m so concerned about your involvement with Jake Ravensdale. I don’t want him to break your heart.’

Jaz stretched her lips into a rictus smile. ‘I’m a big girl. I can handle Jake.’

Myles looked doubtful. ‘Sally and I aren’t making a formal announcement for a week or two. We thought it would be more appropriate to wait for a bit. I just wanted you to be one of the first to know.’

‘Thanks for dropping by,’ Jaz said. ‘I appreciate it. Now, I’m sure you have heaps to do. I won’t keep you. Say hi to Sally for me. Tell her if she wants a good deal on a wedding dress I’m the person she needs to see.’