‘No hard feelings?’ Myles said.

‘No hard feelings,’ Jaz said, and was surprised and more than a little shocked to find it was true.

* * *

Myles had not long disappeared around the corner when Jake’s sports car prowled to the kerb. Jaz watched as he unfolded himself from behind the wheel with athletic grace. He was wearing dark-blue jeans and a round-neck white T-shirt with a charcoal-grey cashmere sweater over the top. His hair was still damp from a recent shower as she could see the deep grooves where either his fingers or a wide-toothed comb had been. His jaw was freshly shaven and as he came up to where she was standing on the doorstep she could smell the clean, sharp citrus tang of his aftershave.

Funny, but she hadn’t even noticed what Myles had been wearing, the scent of his aftershave or even if he had been wearing any.

‘Am I late?’ Jake asked with the hint of a frown between his brows.

‘No,’ Jaz said. ‘Perfect timing.’

He leaned down to press a light-as-air kiss to her mouth. ‘That’s for the neighbours.’ Then he put his arms around her and pulled her close. ‘And this one’s for me.’

Jaz closed her eyes as his lips met hers in a drugging kiss that made her toes curl in her shoes. His tongue mated with hers in a sexy tangle that mimicked the driving need rushing through her body, and his, if the hard ridge of his erection was any indication.

Her hands went around his waist and her pelvis jammed against the temptation of his, her heart skipping all over the place as he made a deep, growly sound of male pleasure as she gave herself up to the kiss. His hands pressed against her bottom to pull her closer, his touch so intimate, so possessive, she could feel her body preparing itself for him. The ache of need pulsed between her legs, her thighs tingling with nerves activated by the anticipation of pleasure.

Only the fact they were on a busy public street was enough to break the spell as a car went past tooting its horn.

Jake released her with a teasing smile. ‘Nice to know you’ve missed me.’

Jaz gave a dismissive shrug. ‘You’re a good kisser. But then, you’ve had plenty of practice.’

‘Ah, but there are kisses and there are kisses. And yours, baby girl, are right up there.’

Don’t fall for his charm. Don’t fall for him, she thought as she followed him to the car.

The drive to Gloucester took just over two hours but the time passed easily with Jake’s superb driving and easy conversation. He told her about Bruce Parnell, who was so impressed with Jake’s choice of fiancée he had recommended several other big-name clients. ‘It’s the sort of windfall I’d been hanging out for,’ he said. ‘Word travels fast in the corporate sector.’

‘What are you going to say to him when we’re no longer a couple?’

He didn’t answer for a moment and when he flashed her a quick smile she noticed it didn’t quite make the distance to his eyes. ‘I’ll think of something.’

It was only as Jaz entered the hotel where the wedding expo was being held that she remembered she had only booked one room. It would look suspicious if she asked for another room or even a twin. She and Jake were supposed to be engaged. Everyone would automatically assume they would share a suite. People had already taken out their camera phones and taken snapshots as they came in. She would look a fool if she asked for separate rooms. What woman in her right mind would pass on the chance to spend the night with Jake Ravensdale? Herself included.

Hadn’t she always wanted him? It had been there ever since she’d been old enough to understand sexual attraction. It had gone from a teenage crush to a full-blown adult attraction. It simmered in the air when they were together. How long could she ignore it or pretend it wasn’t there? Hadn’t she already betrayed herself by responding so enthusiastically to his kiss? Had her overlooking of the hotel reservation been her subconscious telling her what she didn’t want to face?

As if Jake sensed her dilemma he leaned down close to her ear and whispered, ‘I’ll sleep on the sofa.’

Jaz was so distracted by the sensation of his warm breath tickling the sensitive skin around her ear she didn’t hear the attendant call her to the counter. Jake put a gentle hand at her back and pressed her forward. She painted a smile on her face and said, ‘I have a booking for Connolly.’

‘Welcome, Miss Connolly,’ the attendant said. ‘We have your king deluxe suite all ready for you.’

King deluxe. At least there would be enough room in the bed to put a bank of pillows up as a barricade, Jaz thought as she took the swipe key.

The hotel was going to town on the wedding theme. The suite, on the thirteenth floor, was decked out like a honeymoon suite. French champagne was sitting chilled and frosted in a silver ice bucket with a white satin ribbon tied in a big bow around it. There were two crystal champagne flutes and a cheese-and-fruit plate with chocolate-dipped strawberries on the table. The bed was covered in fresh rose petals and there were heart-shaped chocolates placed on the pillows.