‘You’re having a daughter.’
‘I am? Really?’ Jess broke into a wide smile and Kitty realised then it had been a while since Jess had truly looked happy. How had Kitty not noticed that?
‘Yes. Sorry, I know Cam wanted it to be a surprise but I wanted you to know.’ Kitty refused to feel guilty about sharing that news. Who knew how long Jess had left? She should know the sex of her baby if that’s what she wanted. Jess and Cam had kept the news of Jess’s health from her and Kitty refused to be the one keeping secrets. It was up to Jess now to decide whether or not to share this news with Cam. ‘I had an ultrasound at one of the student clinics and I asked them to tell me. It’s a girl.’
Jess had tears in her eyes. ‘Thank you,’ she said just as the nurse came in to tell Kitty that Jess needed to rest.
Kitty hugged her sister and left the room. Joe was talking to Cam but he stopped and they both looked at her warily as she approached.
‘What are you two discussing?’ she asked.
Joe turned to her and Kitty noticed that Cam made himself scarce before Joe spoke. ‘I think you should move back in with Jess and Cam,’ he said. ‘You’ll worry if you stay with me. Jess needs you.’
Kitty wondered if Cam and Jess had already spoken about this or if Joe was making unilateral decisions. Regardless, she already knew that she needed to move back in with Jess. Kitty felt terrible that she hadn’t noticed that Jess’s health had been deteriorating. She’d worried that Jess was too thin and had worried about the cough but had never discussed it. Had she been too caught up in her own life, in her happiness with Joe, to notice? But that wasn’t a good enough reason to have neglected her sister. She was family, and moving back to Jess and Cam’s was the right thing to do. Kitty hadn’t hesitated in agreeing with Jess just minutes earlier when she’d asked her to do exactly that, but hearing Joe suggest it was a little painful. She couldn’t help but wonder if he wasn’t a little too eager about the idea.
‘Do you want to get rid of me?’ she asked, only half-teasing.
Joe wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. ‘Not at all. But I know you will regret not spending this time with Jess.’ He was right. Jess’s time was limited. No one knew how long she had left, although nobody was brave enough to say that out loud. ‘I’ve spoken with Cam and he agrees. It’s just up to you.’
‘But how will you manage?’
‘I’ll figure something out. My splint should be off next week and then if I’m back on the road as an extra crew member I won’t be around much anyway.’
Was that a warning? Was he preparing her for what came next? She knew his relationships never lasted long. She knew he didn’t do commitment. Had he had enough?
This was exactly why she always walked away first. So that she wouldn’t have this feeling of betrayal and loss. It was all too much, but she couldn’t face dealing with that now. Jess needed her and Kitty wasn’t about to let her down. She needed to let Joe go, needed to prioritise what was important, but she couldn’t help thinking about the things Joe hadn’t said. She couldn’t stop thinking of all the things that could go wrong. Not with Jess but between her and Joe. Was this the first step towards the end?
* * *
Joe had been trying to do the right thing, sending Kitty back to live with Jess and Cam, but he’d barely seen her for the past four weeks, and there were still three weeks to go until the baby was due. Not that it would change things—Joe knew Kitty would stay with her sister for as long as she could. Until the end.
He knew he was being ridiculous, he understood the situation. Jess was the only family she had left, their time was limited, and he knew how much family meant to Kitty. Still, it hurt that she seemed to have so little time left for him, and he was surprised how keenly he was feeling her absence. He missed her. He had enjoyed the change in their relationship. But he wasn’t family and he also knew that if he wanted to be a priority for her he would have to make promises that he wasn’t sure he could keep.
And he couldn’t do that.
He couldn’t give her what she wanted, and he knew that meant he would lose her. Eventually she would choose someone else, a man who could offer her all the things she wanted—love, a future, a family of her own. Commitment.
He couldn’t be that man.
He would have to let her go.
‘ALL RIGHT, KITTY, you’re doing well. I can see the baby’s head. You can push with the next contraction.’
Kitty had had no idea childbirth would be this painful, but her labour had progressed quickly for a first-time mum and now it was almost over. She hoped. She was concentrating hard. Thinking about the moment the baby would be put into her arms. It stopped her from thinking about the pain.