“It’s kind of high. ” Lacy stands on the edge of the platform. A bit of the fire that constantly lives in her eyes diminishes.

Ryan gives me that glorious smile—the cute one with a hint of dimples. A curling heat spreads in my bloodstream. Damn, I like that smile.

“You can do this, baby,” says Chris.

Ryan’s thumb moves across the top of my hands and every single cell of my being becomes a live electrical socket. We’ve been holding hands for ten seconds.

“I know. ” Lacy doesn’t look like she knows.

She looks as unsure as I feel about catching her. “Maybe one of you guys should go. ”

“Turn around, Lace, and fall backwards. ”

Ryan uses a gentle yet commanding tone. Even though he speaks to Lacy, he keeps those brilliant light brown eyes locked on me. His thumb does another heart-skipping sweep across my hand. “You’ve got this and you know we got you. ”

I wonder what it would be like if he held me in his arms? Would I feel as alive as I do now?

“You’re right,” she sighs. “Give me a sec. ”

My hands sweat again and I don’t want any more thoughts of my body lying next to his or visions of his hands on my skin or hope that his smile is for me. I don’t want anyone touching me anymore. Especially guys that are strong and warm and slightly cute and can make my heart stutter. I try to pull away, but Ryan tightens his grip. “What are you doing?”

“She can’t do it,” I say. “And she shouldn’t have to. ”

Ryan studies me for a second. “Yes, she can.

Lacy can do anything she puts her mind to. ”

I try to jerk my arms away again, but Ryan’s hold is too tight.

“This is stupid. ” Panic floods my brain and makes me feel a little crazy. “All of this is stupid. What’s the stupid point?”

“To learn how to work together as a team and to put our trust in one another. ” Ryan’s voice becomes a calming balm on my panic until I figure out how much I want to listen.

This isn’t good. Not good at all. Isn’t that how the pied piper worked? Didn’t he play something soothing and all the rats drowned?

“I’m not a part of your stupid team. ”

“I know, but let’s pretend for a few seconds that you are. ”

“She’s ready,” says Chris.

A split second later Lacy’s Nikes are inches from my face. Resting safely in our hands, Lacy laughs. “That was great. Let’s do it again. ”

Ryan releases me and helps the guys lower Lacy to her feet. I step back and try to rub any trace of Ryan off onto my clothes. I don’t want strong hands holding my arms. I don’t want to be part of a team, and I sure as hell don’t have to prove anything by jumping off a ledge.

“You’re next, Beth,” Ryan says.

“No. ” The word comes out automatically.

“You’re going to have to go sometime, so let’s do it now. ”

“I swear it’s not that bad. ” Lacy flies to my side. “At first I was like ‘no way’ and then Ryan was like ‘You can’ and then I thought ‘I can’t’ and then I thought ‘These guys would never drop me’ and I was like ‘Okay’ and then I did it and it was such a rush. ”

Logan and Chris warily look at me. They’d drop me. Just like Ryan would definitely drop me. “What type of game are you playing?” I ask of Ryan.

He narrows his eyes. “What?”

“You used Lacy to lure me over here. Was your plan to make me believe I could trust you and then drop me so everyone can laugh?”