Lacy smacks the back of Logan’s head.

“Stop it. We won’t drop you. ”

Of course they won’t, because I’m not jumping. I step backward.

“What’s the plan, Boss Man?” asks Logan as he looks at Ryan. I snort and Ryan glances at me. Of course, they see perfect Ryan as their fearless leader.

Ryan rearranges the mat to center it with the platform. “Each of us takes one practice run.

We perfect our technique and then we show Coach. Logan, you’re first. That way if we have the wrong technique, we drop a guy, not a girl. ”

Chris, Ryan, and Lacy gather around the mat. I stay planted in my spot. “If you’re the boss, then why don’t you go first?”

“Because Logan’s crazy and would go first even if I didn’t ask. At least now someone’s here to catch him. ”

“It’s true,” adds Lacy. “Logan’s too smart for common sense. ”

“Fear. ” Logan sits on the platform. His legs dangle over the side. “Too smart for fear. ”

Lacy shrugs. “Potayto, potahto. Same thing. ”

“No, it’s not. ”

“Yes, it is. ”

“Shut it down,” says Ryan. “Come on, Beth.

You and Lacy take the area toward his feet.

Chris and I will handle his back. ”

“Why, so we can get kicked in the head?

That’s real gallant. ”

“No,” says Ryan with forced patience.

“Logan’s all upper body. Chris and I are going to take the heavier part. ”

Logan pumps his chest with his fist. “Solid wall, baby. ”

“Less talking, more jumping,” says Chris.

“Let’s go, dawg. ”

I take my place across from Lacy. Without giving me much of a choice, Lacy grabs hold of my hands and seconds later we grip each other tighter when heavy legs plop onto our arms.

“Son-of-a-bitch, Junior,” swears Chris. “You were supposed to count down before you jumped. Drop his sorry ass. ”

Okay. Lacy and I let go and Logan falls the remaining way onto the mat. He laughs as he scrambles up. “You caught me just fine. ”

“My turn!” Lacy hops over the mat and climbs the platform.

Ryan takes Lacy’s place across from me and offers me his hands. I stare down at them. I don’t touch people and they don’t touch me. I mean, Lacy has, but it’s different. We used to be friends, even if was a long time ago. Sweat forms on my palms and I rub them against my shorts and place my hands over Ryan’s. His fingers clutch mine. His skin is the right mixture of strength and warmth, and his touch sends shivers through my body. I’ve gone two torturous weeks without a cigarette and I really crave one right now.

“All right, Lace,” Ryan says in that deep, soothing voice. “Whenever you’re ready. ”

Ryan and I have been holding hands for five seconds.