Rufus kissed her cheek. “Yes, it seems so. If Felix trusts them, then so must we.”

She wasn’t sure and kept her distance from the horses as they approached the wagon. Rufus hurried to inspect the snares and returned with a brace of young bucks. He stoked the fire into a blaze and while Felix spoke to Uther, he skinned the rabbits and roasted them over the fire. Bethan huddled under the cover of the wagon and peered between the flaps to watch the men eat and talk. She picked at the food Rufus handed her. She’d lost her appetite.

Felix, or was he Edsel now? She was confused and tired, but keen to listen. As the stars came out, Felix not only found out about his father’s fate, but also that of his mother.

“Your mother was given sanctuary and remarried. She died in good spirits and is well remembered,” Uther revealed. “You have a half-sister who lives with her uncle, a farmer, near Eboracum. I suspect she thinks you are dead, I’m sure.”

Felix sighed. “I feared as much. I would like to meet her one day. She is my only family now.”

“It is a good place. Untroubled by raiders.” Uther chewed noisily between words.

Bethan couldn’t contain her anger and she stuck her head out. “Raiders like you. You have no honour. You sell girls like me to the Romans!”

Felix glared at her. “Silence, girl.”

“It is true,” Thrane snorted and jabbed a rabbit’s bone at her. “We trade because it keeps the Romans from attacking us, and they cannot be beaten. Your people trade with them too, girl, like us. We do only what they do.”

“Enough,” Felix growled. “I have no interest in warfare. I came to Britannia to farm and live in peace.”

“Then you shall,” Thrane said. “We will leave you alone. As for the girl, I guess you won’t sell her?” He smirked.

Felix shook his head.

“I thought as much. She is a beauty. She is brave, too. Demanded we answer her questions.”

“What questions?” Rufus asked.

“About a boy with magical eyes. I sold him to the Romans at Lagentium. She wants to find him.” Thrane winked at her. “A lover, um?”

Bethan narrowed her eyelids. “It is not your business.”

Felix rose to his feet. “But it is mine. However, we will speak of this tomorrow, Bethan. Go to sleep.”

She hesitated.

“Bethan,” Rufus said sternly. “Your master has spoken. Lie down and sleep. Nobody will touch you. I can vouch for

your safety.”

She believed him, of course, because he’d sworn to protect her. She curled up into a ball and listened to Felix and Rufus tell of their exploits in the arena to their eager audience. They made those gruesome fights seem exciting and easy, which she knew from what Rufus had told her, wasn’t true. He’d refused to tell her of the unbelievable horrors he witnessed, and yet managed to survive. Sometimes, he’d cried out in his sleep, as if he was in pain, and she’d soothed him with kisses. She wanted him next to her, but he would not come to her tonight. He would lie under the stars with his new friends and she would fret about her punishment. Felix would not forget what she’d done.

Eventually, exhaustion overwhelmed her and she fell asleep.

Chapter Eighteen

After sleeping by the smouldering fire, the three men left at dawn. Although disappointed by Bethan’s foolishness, Rufus was delighted for Felix, because his friend had located somebody from his clan and had heard many tales about his heroic father, who led a revolt against the Romans. In the end it had been costly, and it was the last time there had been any substantial uprising against the Romans.

Uther promised to send word to Felix’s half-sister. Now that they had the news that Felix sought, Rufus expected they would finish their excursion and return to the farm.

Bethan emerged from the wagon with a pensive expression. Rufus had been tempted to sleep with Bethan and keep her safe by his side, but boisterous conversation had kept him occupied long into the night. Felix allowed her to bathe in the stream before she cobbled together a few morsels of cold meat and stale bread for breakfast. They needed to reach a settlement soon and replenish their supplies.

Felix put aside his pewter plate and wiped his chin. “Bethan, kneel here before me.”

She humbled herself before Felix and lowered her eyes. Her demeanour was cautious and suitably meek. She needed to explain herself.

“Did those men force you away yesterday?” Felix asked bluntly.

She shook her head. “No, Master.”