She’d not lied. Uther had explained their encounter in greater detail after she’d gone to sleep. She sought somebody with strangely coloured eyes—who was the man? A childhood sweetheart? Surely, she would not yearn so passionately for Rufus and Felix if she preferred another?

“Then, why did you go meet these men? I told you not to leave the wagon. I told you to stay safe. These men are not friends of the Carvetii. They only let you go because of my intervention.” Felix tipped her chin up. “An explanation, Bethan, and now.”

A solitary tear trickled down her cheek. “I need to find Ceadda. I thought he was dead. When the Briganti raided my village, we ran off toward the woods, but we were separated. I heard him scream… and I thought…” she hiccoughed.

“Who is Ceadda?” Rufus asked, desperate for an explanation.

“My younger brother.” Her beautiful eyes were filled with pools of tears. She spoke the truth, he was sure of that.

“Your brother is also a slave,” Felix stated. “Taken to the town of Lagentium?”

She nodded. “He was a strong lad and now is a full grown man. They plan to take him south to the ports. He’s to be a galley slave. I did not mean to run away. I wanted only to know he is alive and where he is.” She clasped her hands together.

“Yet, you went behind my back and broke my rules. Your obedience is essential. How can I protect you if you contrive to speak to strange men?” Felix said with exasperation. He glanced over to Rufus. “What think you, my friend?”

“She had me worried sick for her, too.” Rufus jumped to his feet. “I thought you trusted me, Bethan. Why could you not say anything about your brother?”

“Because I’m a slave. A slave does not have a family, or possessions. I am property,” she retorted sharply.

Felix cupped his hands around her face. “That is not how I see you. Atticus might have told you such things, but I never expected you to hide things from me.” He dropped his hands away. “I’m disappointed. Slaves serve their master and in return, a good master takes care of them. But since my heart has been opened, you are far more to me. I don’t think of you as property, only that you are mine because you are special. The gods favour you. Rufus needs you. I would not let anything happen to you, and if you needed help finding your brother, I would have given it. Will give it.”

Her eyes widened. “Will?”

He nodded. “We shall go to Lagentium and I shall use the coin in my purse to buy Ceadda.”

Felix’s generosity filled her with guilt. “I… I can’t repay you.”

“No, not with coin. However, there are ways for you to demonstrate your faith in Rufus and me. My friend needs to see you punished for what you did yesterday. You have offended us.”

She wiped the tears from her eyes with her sleeve. “I understand. Please punish me. I shall submit and do whatever you wish.”

Felix raked his hand through her raven hair and gathered it into his fist. “You don’t know what that punishment is, yet you’ll take it?”

“I will, Master.” She tilted her head back and looked Felix straight in his eyes without flinching.

Rufus was proud of her. He knew that Felix would not be cruel to her, but neither would he show lenience. This, he hoped, would be the last time Bethan’s bottom suffered any serious punishment.

“Then you should know you will be bound, spanked with my Rudius, and then fucked by both of us in your bottom. The latter is not for your displeasure, but is most definitely for our pleasure. A long hard fuck by both of us will remind you of your place in our hearts. When we have filled you, made you come to our satisfaction, you may once again lie with us and receive our protection and comfort. Do you understand, Bethan?”

Rufus’s cock had stiffened listening to Felix describe her punishment. It was as he’d promised and one that involved both of them, which seemed just.

“It is what I expect,” she said solemnly. The fire in her eyes remained bright and inviting. What delights she might suffer for them had been explained, and yet, she showed no cowardice or defiance.

“Here?” Rufus asked.

Felix shook his head. “We’ll find better shelter. Bethan can contemplate her errors and pray to the gods for their blessing.”

She gazed up at Rufus. “Will my punishment bring you pleasure?”

He moved to stand over her and folded his arms across his chest. He should say no, but it would be a lie. Why he felt the urge to discipline her, he didn’t know. Perhaps it was the infectious nature of Felix’s dominance and stern ways. Her breasts were prominent through her stola and even the nipples stood out strongly. She responded positively to Felix’s control in her life; she’d not protested or shied away. She would never run away, he realised, not while they both ruled her life.

“Yes. It will.” He rested his hand on her head. “But, do not be afraid, Bethan. What you will suffer is for all of us. The gods, the ones whom Felix worships, will see this as an offering.”

“Oh, yes,” Felix said quietly. “They will indeed.”

Chapter Nineteen

They took the road south, toward Lagentium and where she hoped to find her brother. Rufus said little as he sat on the wagon beside her. He held the reins and a short whip, which he occasionally flicked over the head of his horse.